Tweak-7 1.0.1120

کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 4879
محل سکونت : البرز

Tweak-7 1.0.1120

Tweak-7 1.0.1120 Multilanguage (x86/x64) | 32.21/32.20 MB

Tweak-7 - a tool for change and optimize the new Windows 7, which allows you to configure many different settings for the operating system from the Start menu, desktop, toolbars, and to some critical system options.

Among its features is to provide:
Update management system, deleting old restore points;
Module for cleaning and defragmenting the registry;
Module to control constraints of software and systems;
Displays detailed information about the system;
Module to clean the hard disk;
Modules to optimize memory, CPU and speed of your Internet connection;
Module RAM Disk Drive Driver, which allows you to use up to 256 MB of RAM.

1.0 Build 1120 - September 13th 2011:
- Updated main engine fixing a few rare issues related to some of the recent Windows 7 system updates
- Updated setup engine fixing several setup related issues
* Several changes to the main application improving the startup speed

Operating system: Windows ® 7
Language: Multi (Russian)

Homepage:- http://www.totalidea.com/product.php?Product=Tweak-7


Download with Filesonic (Tweak-7 1.0.1120 Multilanguage x86)

Download with Filesonic (Tweak-7 1.0.1120 Multilanguage x64)

شنبه 16 مهر 1390  12:24 PM
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