Avira AntiVir Premium | 79.2 MB
Avira AntiVir Premium reliably protects you against all threats from viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits, phishings, adware, spyware, bots and dangerous “drive-by” downloads. Best detection rates and top-class security with several updates every day. Advanced protection: Includes basic antivirus protection PLUS: email protection (POP3), AntiPhishing, AntiSpyware, AntiAdware and more. With real-time on-access scanning, profile-based on-demand scans and scheduling of full system scanning and updates it offers premium protection. It includes a POP3 based MailScanner that scans emails before they are stored on your machine. With a user-friendly control center, quarantine management, fast performance and world leading detection rates the Avira AntiVir Premium provides essential protection for your PC.
Key features:
"Protection from viruses, worms and Trojans
"Protection against spyware / adware
"Extra protection against email viruses (POP3)
"Protection against phishing
"Monitoring real-time
"Preventing download malicious files from the infected sites
"Scanning for viruses with a boot disk
"Verifying data downloaded from the Internet
Options Premium:
"Built-in spyware detection and adware
"More protection for email traffic (POP3)
"Special dedicated file server for fast uploads data
"User-definable intervals updates
"You can check the selected directories
Your advantages:
"Reliable protection against viruses, worms, Trojans and dialers pay sites
"Very modest resource requirements
"Automatic Updates
"Ease of maintenance