Eurosoft STARK ES 2011

کاربر نقره ای
تاریخ عضویت : اردیبهشت 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 2352
محل سکونت : اصفهان

Eurosoft STARK ES 2011



Windows Sofware | Eurosoft STARK ES 2011 | 222MB

Eurosoft STARK ES 2011 - software package for calculation of spatial structures on the strength, stability and fluctuations.

Calculations based on the finite element method:

- Linear and nonlinear static analysis;
- Calculation of self-oscillations, including with respect to strain state taking into account the unilateral operation of elements, connections, joints;
- Reliance on forced vibrations of an arbitrary power of kinematic and dynamic loading;
- Calculation of the stability in the light of stretched elements, including under complex loading and taking into account the unilateral operation of elements, ties, joints;
- Spectral analysis of the stiffness matrix, including taking into account the unilateral operation of elements, ties, joints;
- The ultimate hard-plastic analysis;
- Fast algorithms for drawing and solving systems of equations;
- The application of the method of substructures for large systems;
- Assessment of the accuracy of calculation.

Structural calculations:
- The definition of dangerous design combinations efforts in sections of the elements and the support reactions on various criteria, including taking into account possible changes in the characteristics of a design scheme and taking into account the sequence of construction / installation design;
- Calculation of reinforcement and test elements of reinforced concrete structures, including to meet the requirements for cracking and limit the width of the crack opening;
- Calculation of the edges of concrete slabs and walls;
- Processing and standardization of design of beam reinforced concrete elements;
- Calculation of flat concrete slabs for punching columns;
- Calculation of the metal elements of strength, general and local stability, the calculation of the welds;
-Test of strength and stability trubozhelezobetonnyh elements;
- Selection of sections of rolling element for stress;
- Assessment of the strength of beam and plate elements under static and dynamic effects, including calibration calculation using the accelerograms of the seismic ground motion in Section 2.2, b SNIP II-7-81.

The calculation of the action of the fluctuating component of wind load:

- Calculation in accordance with SNIP 2.01.07-85, as well as "recommendations to clarify the dynamic analysis of buildings and structures on the effect of the fluctuating component of wind load" CNIISK them. VA Kucherenko;
- Consideration of geometric nonlinearity and constructive;
- Determination of the acceleration vibration design.

Calculations on the seismic effects:
- Determination of seismic loads line-spectral method for an arbitrary spectral response and arbitrary direction of the seismic impact in accordance with Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, as well as "recommendations for determining the estimated seismic loads for structures, taking into account the spatial nature of exposure and structural work "CNIISK them. VA Kucherenko;
- Taking into account the translational and rotational movement of the base through the application of integrated impact models;
- Taking into account the mutual displacement of supports spatial and linear-extended structures on the basis of a differentiated model of impact;
- Consideration of geometric nonlinearity and constructive;
- Dynamic analysis in time to multicomponent accelerograms, including taking into account the rotation of the base, with an analysis of the bearing capacity of structures;
- Identification of hazardous areas of dynamic effects and the number taken into account forms.

Modeling Capabilities:
- Automatic generation of finite element models of multi-storey buildings, trusses, frames, surfaces of revolution and surfaces defined analytically;
- Rod finite elements for planar and spatial tasks, including taking into account the transverse shear;
- Special core elements to simulate ribs and cables;
- High isotropic and orthotropic plate and solid finite elements (hybrid method and displacement);
- Universal elements to calculate the thin and thick plates;
- Multi-core and plate elements;
- Rigid and elastic-yielding support in an arbitrarily oriented coordinate systems, including Unilateral;
- One-and two-parameter elastic foundation, including unilateral;
- Perfect, and elastic hinges in the rod and plate elements, including unilateral and non-linear;
- Taking into account the physical nonlinearity of material of plate elements for the bilinear and curvilinear diagrams, including in reinforced concrete slabs and walls;
- The formation of arbitrary, including thin sections of cells and calculate their characteristics;
- The ability to perform calculations pofragmentno and taking into account changes in the settlement scheme in the process of loading;
- The possibility of taking into account the different properties of structures and foundations under static and dynamic effects;
- Different ways of modeling the structural work at the sites of interfaces, including misaligned;
- Perfectly rigid bodies and the union movement of nodes;
- Taking into account the initial curvature of the axes of rods;
- Force and kinematic concentrated and distributed loads in any direction, including independent of the FE mesh;
- Thermal stress and load pre-tension.

Interface capabilities:
- The formation of complex computational models by assembling the individual parts;
- Graphic or tabular input models and output calculation results;
- Transformation of planar and spatial images of the DXF-files in the FE model;
- Assessment of the quality of FE mesh and its optimization;
- Work with all the design scheme or its fragment;
- A wide array of graphic design scheme of control performance;
- Transfer of displacements, reactions, and loading from project to project, interpolation, deformation loads;
- Image results through the deformed patterns, contours, isosurfaces, digital values ??or plots of arbitrary cross-section;
- Search for extreme values ??of calculated parameters within a particular piece of the settlement scheme as for separate loading and among the given combination of loads;
- Animation mode shapes and buckling;
- Output of the source data and calculation results in the DXF-files, HPGL-files, CSV-files and MS Word;
- The connection with programs PRUSK, Metal, LIRA, LIR-LARM, BETA, ArCon, AutoCAD, ArchiCAD, speedikon A, Glaser isb-cad, designer of buildings.


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