Collection Studio 3.62 | 5.04 Mb
Collection Studio is a program which tracks your collection items such as coins, banknotes, stamps, posters, etc and shows the whole or partial collection with different points of view. Easy-to-use tools will help you to change information, share it with friends, allowing collection to grow...
Multi collectibles
Supported collectibles:
Custom collectibles
Custom collections with unlimeted number of user defined fields allows you create your own collection type and track any collectible types with all features designed for "standard" collectibles in Collection Studio.
Images support
Each collectible supports unlimited number of images in all popular formats: GIF, JPG, JPEG, BMP, WMF, EMF, PNG, TIFF, TGA, PCX, WBMP. You can add images from graphic files, copy and paste directly from the clipboard.
Database of web links (400+)
The Collection Studio database comes pre-populated with hundreds of URL links relevant to your collection, where you can easy find out required information on banknotes, coins, issue series, etc.
Database Security
Password protection of your Collection Studio Documents.
Custom fields
You can log up to 5 independent custom characteristics for all 'standard' collectibles predefined in the program. Additionally there is easy-to-use fields setup mechanism in 'Collection Options' window for this purpose.
General Views
Multi views
Amazing View feature allows you to view your collection in many different ways. Full-screen mode.
Statistics in graphics
Graphical view of your collection via pie-charts, histograms, colored maps of continents, world view map etc ...
Multi-lingual support
Multi-lingual support, 22 international languages: Czech flag Czech, flag of Republic of Belarus Byelorussian, flag of Belgium Flemish (Belgium), Dutch flag Dutch, flag of Germany German, English flag English, French flag French, Hungarian flag Hungarian, Italian flag Italian, Lithuanian flag Lithuanian, Norwegian flag Norwegian, Polish flag Polish, Portuguese flag Portuguese, Brazil flag Portuguese (Brasil), Romanian flag Romanian, Russian flag Russian, Slovak flag Slovak, Spanish flag Spanish, Turkish flag Turkish, Ukrainian flag Ukrainian.
Read how to add your native language. Every author of a new Language File gets a free license for Collection Studio!
Export / Import
Explicit export tool and import tool allows you to save your collection in various file formats (HTML, RTF, CSV, XML, XLS, SQL, ASCII Text File) and import your collectibles data from other software.
Dates calculator
Dates calculator allows you easy converts Moslem, Hebrew, Thai Buddhist, Mongolian, Japanese Dates and other dates into Gregorian dates. DatesCalculator comes as stand alone freeware application and as plugin for CollectionStudio.
Search tool
Powerful search tool allows you to find out all items that match various search query parameters.
Portatible Installation
Collection Studio can be installed on portable device for example on USB Data Storage. Read about this feature in our Online Help.
Barcode support
barcode: cs 2.46The Benefits of Bar Coding: Timely and accurate information means better business decisions, accurate inventory, improved purchasing and quality control, monitor work in process and reduced data entry. Barcode scanning is 30,000 times more accurate and 10 times faster than manual data entry, therefore reduce costs, higher productivity and Higher Profits!
Plugins support
Plugin alows you easy create your own functionality to process particular collectible or a set of them in one click. It can be written in C, C++, Delphi or another language. There is also open-source project available for you to create your own functionality much faster as it possible.
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