و درود خدا بر او فرمود:
كسي را كه نزديكانش واگذارند، بيگانه او را پذيرا باشد
Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him said:
He who is abandoned by near ones is dear to the remote ones.
هر فريب خوردهاي را نميشود سرزنش كرد
Every mischief monger cannot even be reproved.
كارها چنان رام تقدير است كه چارهانديشي به مرگ ميانجامد
All matters are subject to destiny, so much so that sometimes death results from effort.
كسي كه كردارش او را به جايي نرساند، افتخارات خاندانش او را به جايي نخواهد رسانيد
He whose deeds accord (him) a back position cannot be given a front position because of his lineage.
كسي چيزي را در دل پنهان نكند جز آنكه در لغزشهاي زبان، و رنگ رخسار، آشكار خواهد شد
whenever a person conceals a thing in his heart it manifests itself through unintentional words of his tongue and (in) the expressions of his face.
نيكوكار از كار نيك بهتر و بدكار از كار بد بدتر است
The doer of good is better than the good itself, and the doer of evil is worse than the evil itself.