توابع یافتن رشته

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : آبان 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 106
محل سکونت : کرمانشاه

توابع یافتن رشته

1      // Demonstrating the string find member functions.

2      #include <iostream>

3      using std::cout;

4      using std::endl;


6      #include <string>

7      using std::string;


9      int main()

10   {

11      string string1( "noon is 12 pm; midnight is not." );

12      int location;


14      // find "is" at location 5 and 25

15      cout << "Original string:\n" << string1

16         << "\n\n(find) \"is\" was found at: " << string1.find( "is" )

17         << "\n(rfind) \"is\" was found at: " << string1.rfind( "is" );


19      // find 'o' at location 1

20      location = string1.find_first_of( "misop" );

21      cout << "\n\n(find_first_of) found '" << string1[ location ]

22         << "' from the group \"misop\" at: " << location;


24      // find 'o' at location 29

25      location = string1.find_last_of( "misop" );

26      cout << "\n\n(find_last_of) found '" << string1[ location ]

27           << "' from the group \"misop\" at: " << location;


29      // find '1' at location 8

30      location = string1.find_first_not_of( "noi spm" );

31      cout << "\n\n(find_first_not_of) '" << string1[ location ]

32         << "' is not contained in \"noi spm\" and was found at:"

33         << location;


35      // find '.' at location 12

36      location = string1.find_first_not_of( "12noi spm" );

37      cout << "\n\n(find_first_not_of) '" << string1[ location ]

38         << "' is not contained in \"12noi spm\" and was "

39         << "found at:" << location << endl;


41      // search for characters not in string1

42      location = string1.find_first_not_of(

43         "noon is 12 pm; midnight is not." );

44      cout << "\nfind_first_not_of(\"noon is 12 pm; midnight is not.\")" 

45         << " returned: " << location << endl;

46      return 0;

47   } // end main

Original string:

noon is 12 pm; midnight is not.


(find) "is"was found at: 5

(rfind) "is"was found at: 25


(find_first_of) found 'O' from the group "misop" at: 1


(find_first_not_of) '1' is not contained in "noi spm" and was found at: 8


(find_first_not_of) '.' is not contained in "12noi spm" and was found at: 12


find_first_not_of("noon is 12 pm; midnight is not.") returned: -1



یک شنبه 7 آذر 1389  1:23 AM
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