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تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Frosted Glass Text Effect

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This tutorial will explain how to create a beautiful frosted-rolled glass inspired text effect, using Photoshop Filters and Layer Styles.


Final Image Preview

Frosted Glass Text Effect


  • fire texture 02 by Fire-Love-Account.
  • Weathered Texture by greyghostXXX.
  • Atrox font.

Step 1

Create a new document, 1152×864 pixels, set the Foreground color to #006d68, and the Background color to #004e49, then, go to Filter -> Render -> Clouds.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 1

Place the “fire texture 02″ on top of the Background layer, and change its layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply, and its Opacity to 50%.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 2

Place the “Weathered Texture” on top of both layers and change its layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 3

Step 2

Create the text using the color #7b7b7b. The font used is “Atrox”, and the Size is 330 pt.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 4

Duplicate the text layer, and change the copy’s Fill value to 0%.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 5

Step 3

Double click the original text layer to apply the following Layer Style.

- Drop Shadow: Just change the color to #686868.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 6

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #737373, the Distance to 0 and the Size to 10.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 7

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Hard, the Depth to 150, the Size to 27, and the Soften value to 5. Un-check the Use Global Light box, then, change the Angle to 90, the Altitude to 30, the Gloss Contour to Gaussian, and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode to Overlay, its color to #ded96c, and the Shadow Mode’s color to #7b7b7b.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 8

This is what you should get after applying the style above:

Frosted Glass Text Effect 9

Step 4

Press the Ctrl/Cmd key, and click a text layer’s tumbnail (icon) to create a selection.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 10

Create a new layer between the two text layers and call it “Texture”. Fill the selection with the color #005954. Then go to Select -> Deselect (or press Ctrl/Cmd + D) to get rid of the selection.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 11

Set the Foreground color to #006d68 and the Background color to #004e49.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 12

Step 5

It’s time to apply the Filters to create the texture, so change the values as shown in the images below for each filter. Start by going to Filter- > Texture -> Mosaic Tiles:

Frosted Glass Text Effect 13
Frosted Glass Text Effect 14

Next, go to Filter -> Artistic -> Dry Brush:

Frosted Glass Text Effect 15
Frosted Glass Text Effect 16

Now, change the “Texture” layer’s Blend Mode to Hard Light.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 17

Step 6

Double click the copy (top) text layer to apply the following Layer Style.

- Outer Glow: change the Blend Mode to Overlay, and the color to #00a49d.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 18

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the Opacity to 50%, the Noise to 50% as well, the color to 8df4f2, the Technique to Precise, the Source to Center, and the Size to 20.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 19

- Bevel and Emboss: change the Technique to Chisel Hard, the Depth to 150, and the Size to 10. Un-check the Use Global Light box, then, change the Angle to 110, the Altitude to 15, the Gloss Contour to Cove – Deep, and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode to Vivid Light, and the Shadow Mode’s color to #7b7b7b.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 20

- Contour: Choose the Rolling Slope – Descending contour, and check the Anti-aliased box.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 21

- Texture: choose the Metallic Snakeskin Pattern, and change the Depth to 20.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 22

This will add a nice glossy effect to the text.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 23

Step 7

Right click a text layer and choose Create Work Path.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 24

Create a new layer right below the original text layer and call it “Stroke”, then choose a hard round 7 px brush.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 25

Set the Foreground color to #159282. Then, pick the Direct Selection Tool, right click the path you’ve just created, and choose Stroke Path.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 26

Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu, and make sure that the Simulate Pressure box is unchecked.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 27

Hit Enter/Return to get rid of the path.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 28

Step 8

Double click the “Stroke” layer to apply the following Layer Style:

- Drop Shadow: Just change the Size to 2.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 29

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Gloss Contour to Cone – Inverted and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode to Vivid Light, and the Shadow Mode’s color to #009d9e.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 30

- Contour: Choose the Cone – Inverted contour and check the Anti-aliased box as well.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 31

- Texture: Just choose the Clouds Pattern.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 32

This is what you should get.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 33

Step 9

Ctrl/Cmd + Click a text layer’s thumbnail once again to create a selection, then press Delete to get rid of the inner part of the stroke. .

Frosted Glass Text Effect 34

With the text selection still active, create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Soft Brush”, then change its Blend Mode to Overlay and its Opacity to 50%. Set the Foreground color to #90eadc, and use a soft round brush, with a quite big size (aroud 100 px) to add some bright dots over some parts of the text. Try not to add too much dots as this will ruin the original effect.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 35

Create another new layer on top of all layers and call it “Color Brush”, then change its Blend Mode to Hue and its Opacity to 20%. Set the Foreground color to #eaddd6, and use a little bit bigger soft round brush (aroud 150 px) to add some color dots. The color is very subtle, but it adds nice depth to the effect. Try not to overdo it as well.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Step 10

Next, we are going to apply the same effect using different colors to a star shape. So pick the Polygon Tool, and make sure that the “Shape Layers” icon in the Options bar is clicked, then enter 5 in the “Sides” box.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Also in the Options bar, under the Polygon Options, check the Star box and set the “Indente Sides By:” value to 50%. Then, set the Foreground color to #7b7b7b.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Create the star shape wherever you want to, then duplicate the shape layer and set the copy’s Fill value to 0%.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Step 11

Double click the original shape layer to apply the following Layer Style:

- Drop Shadow: Change the color to #686868, the Distance to 3, and the Size to 3 as well.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #737373, the Distance to 0 and the Size to 5.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Hard, the Depth to 150, the Size to 14, and the Soften value to 3. Un-check the Use Global Light box, then, change the Angle to 90, the Altitude to 30, the Gloss Contour to Gaussian, and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode to Overlay, its color to #ded96c, and the Shadow Mode’s color to #7b7b7b.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

This is almost the same Layer Style applied to the original text layer, but using different size values to suit the shape used. So you can modify the values depending on the shape you created and its size compared to the text.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Step 12

Now double click the copy shape layer to apply the following Layer Style:

- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #a46000, and the Size to 3.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the Opacity to 50%, the Noise to 50% as well, the color to #cfad7b, the Technique to Precise, the Source to Center, and the Size to 10.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Hard, and the Depth to 150. Un-check the Use Global Light box, then, change the Angle to 110, the Altitude to 15, the Gloss Contour to Cove – Deep, and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode to Vivid Light, and the Shadow Mode’s color to #7b7b7b.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Contour: Choose the Rolling Slope – Descending contour, and check the Anti-aliased box.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Texture: Choose the Metallic Snakeskin Pattern, then change the Scale to 50% and the Depth to 20.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Once again, this is similar to the copy text layer’s Layer Styles, but with different size and color values.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Step 13

Create a new layer on top of the original shape layer, call it “Star Texture”, and change its Blend Mode to Hard Light. Then Ctrl/Cmd + Click the shape’s vector mask thumbnail to create a selection.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Fill the selection with the color #8f7708, then press Ctrl/Cmd + D to get rid of the selection.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Set the Foreground color to #4e4400 and the Background color to #8f7708. It’s time to apply the Filters to create the texture (like we did in Step 5), so change the values as shown in the images below for each filter. Start by going to Filter- > Texture -> Mosaic Tiles:

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Next, go to Filter -> Artistic -> Dry Brush:

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36
Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Step 14

Creating the path to add the stroke is a little bit different as this is a shape. You’ll need to pick the Direct Selection Tool, click the star shape itself, then click and drag around the star shape to select its anchor points. After that, go to Edit -> Copy to copy the path

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Create a new layer below the original shape layer and call it “Star Stroke”, then go to Edit -> Paste to paste the path to the new layer.

Set the Foreground color to #958938 and choose a hard round 7 px brush.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Pick the Direct Selection Tool again, then stroke the path just like you did before. Right click the path you’ve just created, and choose Stroke Path. Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu, and make sure that the Simulate Pressure box is unchecked. Hit Enter/Return to get rid of the path.

After that, Ctrl/Cmd + Click the shape layer’s vector mask thumbnail and press Delete to get rid of the inner parts of the Stroke, and preass Ctrl/Cmd + D to get rid of the selection.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Step 15

Double click the “Star Stroke” layer to apply the following Layer Style:

- Drop Shadow: Just change the Size to 2.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Gloss Contour to Cone – Inverted and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode to Vivid Light, and the Shadow Mode’s color to #9e8e00.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Contour: Choose the Cone – Inverted contour and check the Anti-aliased box as well.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

- Texture: Just choose the Clouds Pattern.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

This is what you should get.

Frosted Glass Text Effect 36

Final Image

And that’s it! You can use other color shades as well if you like, and the effect will look awesome on all colors.

Frosted Glass Text Effect

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it useful.


اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

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چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:45 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Create an Outline Sketch Text Effect

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This tutorial will demonstrate an easy way to create an outline-sketch Photoshop text effect using simple layer styles, a brush, and a blur filter.


Final Image

As always, this is the final image that we’ll be creating:

Outline Sketch Effect

Tutorial Details

  • Program: Adobe Photoshop CS6 (CS3+ versions will work as well)
  • Estimated Completion Time: 30 minutes
  • Difficulty: Beginner


  • Hall Fetica font.

Step 1

Create a new 1000 x 500 px document with all the default settings, then fill it with color #d7c7a8.

Outline Sketch Effect 1

Create the text in Black using the font “Hall Fetica” and the font Size 350 px.

Outline Sketch Effect 2

Change the text layer’s Fill value to 0.

Outline Sketch Effect 3

Step 2

Double click the text layer to apply a Bevel and Emboss effect. Change the Depth to 103, the Size to 2, un-check the Use Global Lights box, change the Angle to 170 and the Altitude to 32, then change the Highlight Mode Opacity to 0 and the Shadow Mode Opacity to 74.

Outline Sketch Effect 4

This is how the text should look like.

Outline Sketch Effect 5

Step 3

Duplicate the text layer.

Outline Sketch Effect 6

Select the Move Tool, then move the duplicated text 5 px to the left and 5 px upwards, by clicking the Left Arrow Key (on the keyboard) 5 times, then clicking the Up Arrow Key 5 times as well.

Outline Sketch Effect 7

Step 4

Double click the copy text layer to adjust the Bevel and Emboss values, by changing the Angle to 0, and the Altitude to 37.

Outline Sketch Effect 8

This is what you should get.

Outline Sketch Effect 9

Step 5

Now pick the Brush Tool, choose a hard round 1px brush tip, set the Foreground color to Black, and create a new layer on top of all layers then call it “Vertical”.

Outline Sketch Effect 10

Next, you’ll need to draw vertical lines over the vertical edges of the text. To create straight lines, click and hold the mouse button, press and hold the Shift key, then drag the brush. When done, release all, then repeat to create the other lines.

You can also use the Line Tool for that, but you’ll need to merge and rasterize all the line layers when done.

Outline Sketch Effect 11

After adding all the vertical lines you want, go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur. Change the Angle to 90 and the Distance to 29. This will make the lines fade vertically.

Outline Sketch Effect 12

Step 6

Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Horizontal Lines”.

Outline Sketch Effect 13

Create horizontal lines over the horizontal edges of the text.

Outline Sketch Effect 14

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur. Change the Angle to 0 and the Distance to 29. This will make the lines fade horizontally.

Outline Sketch Effect 15

Step 7

Select all layers (click the one at the top, then Shift + click the Background layer), and go to Layer -> Merge Layers.

Outline Sketch Effect 16

Go to Filter -> (Filter Gallery) -> Brush Strokes -> Spatter. Change the Spray Radius to 4 and the Smoothness to 15.

Outline Sketch Effect 17

This will make the sketch effect more messy and realistic.

Outline Sketch Effect 18

Go to Filter -> (Filter Gallery) -> Texture -> Texturizer. Choose Sandstone, set the Scaling to 67, the Relief to 3, and the Light to Top Right.

Outline Sketch Effect 19

This will add a paper-like texture.

Outline Sketch Effect 20

Finally, go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise. Change the Amount to 3, select the Gaussian button, and check the Monochromatic box.

Outline Sketch Effect 21

And We’re Done!

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it helpful.


اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

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چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:45 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Vintage 3D Text Effect in Photoshop CS6

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The 3D Environment in Photoshop CS6 is a great way to create amazing 3D text effects without the need for any other 3D software. This tutorial will explain how to use the many tools and settings to create a nice vintage 3D text effect.


Final Image


  • Great Vibes font.

Step 1

Create a new 1000×1000 px document, set the Foreground color to #acacac, and fill the Background with that color using the Paint Bucket Tool.

Create the text in white. The font used is Great Vibes, and the Size is 250 pt.

If you have more than one line of text, click the “Right align text” icon in the Options bar, then change the Leading value to a value that will decrease the space between the lines without making them overlap. The value used here is 230 pt, but if you are using a different text, then you might need to use a different value.

Step 2

With the text layer selected, go to Type -> Extrude to 3D. This will convert the text into a 3D mesh.

To access the 3D mesh settings and properties, you’ll need to open two panels: The 3D panel, and the Properties panel (both found under the Window menu).

The 3D panel has all the components of the 3D scene, and when you click the name of any of those, you’ll be able to access its settings in the Properties panel. So make sure to always select the name of the element you want to modify in the 3D panel before you change its settings in the Properties panel.

In the new 3D environment in CS6, there are no special 3D Tools anymore. If you select the Move Tool and check its Option bar now, you’ll find a set of 3D Modes for the tool to the right of the bar. When you choose one of those, you can then click and drag to perform any changes (on the selected element in the 3D panel).

Step 3

To start modifying the 3D mesh, select its name in the 3D panel, then move to the Properties panel, and change the Extrusion Depth to 100.

Click the Cap icon at the top, then change the Width to 20%, and the Contour to Gaussian. This will make the edges a bit rounded.

Step 4

If you want to check how the mesh looks from a different angle, you can pick the Move Tool, click “Current View” in the 3D panel, then click and drag in an empty area to move the scene around.

It’s better to move the scene (the camera view) instead of the mesh itself. This helps prevent any unwanted change in the lighting.

If you want to move the mesh, make sure that it is a permanent change (not only to change the view). Then, you can click the mesh in the 3D scene (or select its name in the 3D panel), and use the 3D axis to make any changes.

The arrows at the ends of the axis move the mesh, the part below them is used for rotation, and the cubes are used for scaling. The cube in the center is used to scale the object uniformly. All you need to do is click and drag the wanted part.

It might seem a bit hard at first, and things will start flying everywhere, but you’ll get used to working in the 3D space with time and practice.

You can as well enter certain values to change the settings. So click the Coordinates icon in the Properties panel, then change the X Rotation value of the 3D mesh to 90°.

This will rotate the mesh so that it faces upwards.

You’ll notice that the mesh is floating above the ground plane. To fix that, go to 3D -> Snap Object to Ground Plane.

Step 5

Now, you’ll need to change the Camera View so that it point towards the text. Go ahead and use the Move Tool 3D Modes to move your camera around until you like the view.

You can save the camera position by clicking the “Save…” option from the View drop down menu in the Properties panel.

Enter a name for the view then click OK.

The camera view will be saved, so if you change the camera angle then want to get back to this view, you can choose it from the View drop down menu, or click its name down the 3D panel.

Step 6

Time to modify the 3D mesh materials. Start by clicking the “Front Inflation Material” in the 3D panel. In the Properties panel, change the Diffuse color to #a1a1a1, the Specular to #a6a6a6, the Illumination to #080808, and the Ambient to #8d8d8d. Then change the Shine value to 80%, the Reflection to 30%, and the Refraction to 1.37.

Move on to the “Front Bevel Material”. Change the Diffuse color to #a8a7a5, the Specular to #c9cacc, the Illumination to #080808, and the Ambient to #000000. Then change the Shine value to 66%, the Reflection to 20%, and the Refraction to 1.21.

Next is the “Extrusion Material”. Use the same Front Bevel Material settings, except for the Reflection value, which is set to 30%.

This will give the text a polished slick appearance.

Step 7

Select the “Infinite Light 1″ in the 3D panel. Then, in the Properties panel, change the Intensity to 90%, and the Shadow Softness to 20%.

Click the Coordinates icon in the Properties panel to change the Light direction.

Click the “Add new Light to Scene” icon down the 3D panel, and choose New Point Light.

Change the new light’s Intensity to 50%, and uncheck its Shadow box, as we only need shadows from one light source, which is the Infinite Light.

Click the Coordinates icon in the Properties panel to change the Light position. The same exact values might not work on the scene or the text you’re creating. So just use the Move Tool to change the lights position or direction however you like.

These are screenshots for the lights from different angles. You can use them as a guide to place your own lights.

Step 8

Click Environment in the 3D panel, then, in the Properties panel, change the Intensity to 30%. To make the Ground Plane reflective without the need to add any new 3D meshes, change the Reflection Opacity to 20%. The higher the value the more reflective the ground plane is.

Once you’re done modifying the scene, go to 3D -> Render. The rendering might take some time. You can stop rendering anytime by clicking anywhere in the document.

Step 9

Once the rendering is done, save the final result. Then click the “Create new fill or adjustment layer” icon down the Layers panel, and choose Levels.

Change the Shadows value to 20 and the Highlights value to 223.

Click the “Create new fill or adjustment layer” icon again, but this time, choose Gradient Map.

Change the Gradient Map adjustment layer’s Blend Mode to Linear Burn, and its Opacity to 40%. The gradient used is one of Photoshop’s default gradients, and it’s called “Violet, Green, Orange”.

The cool thing about creating the 3D text in grayish colors is that you can colorize the final result using a wide variety of gradients. So you can go ahead and try some different gradients if you like, and you’ll get some awesome results.

Final Image

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it useful as an introduction to the 3D environment in Photoshop CS6. Please feel free to leave your comments below.


اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

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چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:48 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Clouds Text Effect

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This tutorial explains how to use simple brushes to create an easy clouds text effect.


Final Image Preview

Clouds Text Effect


  • Cloud brushes by Adaae-stock.

Step 1

Create a new 1000 x 500 px document. Set the Foreground color to #3497b6 and the Background color to #97d5e6. Pick the Gradient Tool, choose the Foreground to Background gradient, and click the Linear Gradient icon in the Options bar at the top. Then, click and drag from the top to the bottom of the document to create the gradient.

Clouds Text Effect 1

Step 2

Create the text in white using the font Arial Black. In the Character panel (Window -> Character), set the Size to 350 pt and the Tracking value to 100.

Clouds Text Effect 2

Ctrl/Cmd + Click the text layer’s thumbnail to create a selection.

Clouds Text Effect 3

Make the text layer invisible by clicking the eye icon next to it.

Clouds Text Effect 4

Step 3

Pick the Brush Tool, set the Foreground color to white, create a new layer on top of the text layer and call it “Clouds”.

Clouds Text Effect 5

Pick one of the Cloud brushes, reduce its size to something around 200 to 300 px, then start adding the brush inside the selection. You can use more than one brush to add some variations. Don’t leave lots of empty spaces, just enough for the clouds to maintain their details.

Clouds Text Effect 6

Once your done, go to Select -> Deselect (or press Ctrl/Cmd + D) to get rid of the selection.

Clouds Text Effect 7

Step 4

Right click the text layer and choose Create Work Path.

Clouds Text Effect 8

Pick the Eraser Tool, then open the Brush panel once again.

Clouds Text Effect 9

Choose the “Per Stroke Brightness Variance” brush and modify its settings as shown below:

- Brush Tip Shape:

Clouds Text Effect 10

- Shape Dynamics:

Clouds Text Effect 11

This will create a jagged edges brush.

Step 5

Pick the Direct Selection Tool, select the “Clouds” layer so that it is the active layer, right click the work path and choose Stroke Path.

Clouds Text Effect 12

Choose Eraser from the Tool drop down menu, and make sure that the Simulate Pressure box is un-checked. Click OK.

Clouds Text Effect 13

This will stroke the path with the Eraser Tool brush, making the edges more fluffy and feathery. Hit the Enter/Return key to get rid of the path.

Clouds Text Effect 14

Step 6

Create a new layer right on top of the Background layer and change its Opacity to a value around 30%. Then, pick some of the cloud brushes again to add some clouds on that layer.

Clouds Text Effect 15

And that’s it!

Final Image

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial.

Clouds Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

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چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:49 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Fabric Text Effect

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This Photoshop tutorial explains how to use Layer Styles and two patterns to create a nice looking fabric text effect.


Final Image Preview

Fabric Text Effect


  • Seamless Plaid 0024 by AvanteGardeArt
  • Seamless Plaid 0033 by AvanteGardeArt
  • Strenuous font

Step 1

Open the Seamless Plaid 0024 image, then go to Image -> Image Size, and type 150 in the Width (and Height) fields then click OK.

Fabric Text Effect 11

Go to Edit -> Define Pattern, and type in a name for the pattern. Here, it is “Background”.

Fabric Text Effect 11

Step 2

Open the Seamless Plaid 0033 image, then go to Image -> Image Size, and type 300 in the Width (and Height) fields then click OK..

Fabric Text Effect 11

Go to Edit -> Define Pattern, and type in a name for the pattern. Here, it is “Texture”.

Fabric Text Effect 11

Step 3

Create a new 1200 x 768 px document. Pick the Paint Bucket Tool, and choose Pattern from the Fill dropdown menu in the Options bar. Next, choose the pattern you’ve just defined (Background pattern) from the patterns menu and fill the background with it.

Fabric Text Effect 11

Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation, and change the Saturation value to 60. This will brighten up the pattern color.

Fabric Text Effect 11

Create the text in black. The font used is Strenuous, the Size is 300pt, and the Tracking value is set to 75 to increase the space between the letters.

Fabric Text Effect 11

Step 4

Double click the text layer to apply the following Layer Style:

- Drop Shadow: Un-check the Use Global Light box, change the Angle to 92, the Opacity to 80%, the Distance to 20, the Spread to 20, and the Size to 27.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #2a530b, the Opacity to 85%, the Distance to 18, the Spread to 25, and the Size to 37.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Outer Glow: Change the Spread to 47 and the Size to 10.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Multiply, the color to #1ba500, and the Size to 13.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Size to 20, check the Anti-aliased box, change the color to #c8e833, and set the Shadow Mode Opacity to 0%.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Contour: Choose the Gaussian contour, check the Anti-aliased box, and set the Range to 100.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Texture: Choose the “Texture” pattern, change the Scale to 75%, the Depth to 5%, and check the Invert box.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Satin: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #2c0402, the Opacity to 100%, the Angle to 90, the Distance to 63, the Size to 63 as well, choose the Ring contour, and check the Anti-aliased box.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Color Overlay: Change the color to #2d8900, and the Opacity to 50%.

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Pattern Overlay: Choose the “Texture” pattern, and change its Scale value to 75% (this should match the Bevel and Emboss Texture Scale value).

Fabric Text Effect 11

- Stroke: Change the Size to 7, make sure the Position is set to Outside, change the Fill Type to Pattern, and choose the “Texture” pattern, then change the Scale value to 50% (a value less than the original Pattern Overlay Scale value).

Fabric Text Effect 11

And you’re done! You have a nice fabric text effect that uses only two patterns and a couple of Layer Effects.


اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:49 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Cool Unusual Text Effect

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This tutorial will explain how to create an amazing 3D-like text effect using some gradient fills, lasso tools, and the Dodge and Burn Tools. It is really simple but the final result is great. Lets get started.


Final Image Preview

Cool Unusual Text Effect


  • Familian font.

Step 1

Create a new document, 800×500 pixels, or any other dimensions depending on the text you’re going to create. Then, set the Foreground color to #b7e101, and the Background color to #74a203, and pick the Gradient Tool. Choose the Foreground to Background fill, and click the Radial Gradient icon in the Options bar, then click and drag from the center of the document to one of the corners to create the gradient fill.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 1

Create the text in Bold All Caps using the color White and the font Familian with a Size value of 175 pt, then, set the Tracking value in the Character panel (Window -> Character) to 100 to avoid overlapping.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 2

Go to Layer -> Rasterize -> Type to rasterize the text layer, then duplicate the text layer and make the original layer invisible by clicking the eye icon next to it.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 3

Step 2

Double click the copy text layer to apply a Gradient Overlay effect, and click the Gradient box to create the gradient used.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 4

There are only two colors used: #fffca6 to the left, and #cce80d to the right.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 5

This is how the text should look like.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 6

Step 3

Go to Edit -> Transform -> Skew, and move the upper corners to get a result similar to the one below. Then press Enter to get out of the Skew Mode

Cool Unusual Text Effect 7

Pick the Rectangular Marquee Tool, and draw a 5 x 188 px rectangle on top of the first letter. You can check the dimensions in the Info panel (Window -> Info).

Cool Unusual Text Effect 8

Create a new layer on top of all layers then fill the selection with white. Go to Select -> Deselect (or press Ctrl + D) to get rid of the selection.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 9

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and enter 2.5 for the Raduis value.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 10

Step 4

Create a new 24 x 195 px selection, create another new layer, fill the selection with white, and get rid of the selection.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 11

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and enter 9 for the Raduis value this time.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 12

Select both blur layers then go to Layer -> Merge Layers, and rename the merged layer to “Blur”.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 13

Step 5

Go to Edit -> Transform -> Rotate, and rotate the blurred part as below, then press Enter.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 14

Duplicate the “Blur” layer and move it so that you have blur placed over each letter. Then, select all the Blur layers and merge them (Layer -> Merge Layers).

Cool Unusual Text Effect 15

Ctrl + Click the copy text layer’s thumbnail (icon) to create a selection, then go to Select -> Inverse to invert the selection.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 16

Press Delete to get rid of the outer parts of the blur, then press Ctrl + D to get rid of the selection.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 17

Step 6

Make the original text layer visible again.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 18

Go to Edit -> Transform -> Skew, and skew this text a bit more to the right. Press Enter when done.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 19

Go to Edit -> Transform -> Scale, and scale the text down vertically. Don’t forget to press Enter after you do so.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 20

Make sure that the original text layer is selected (active), and click the “Lock transparent pixels” icon in the Layers panel. Set the Foreground color to #689106 and pick the Paint Bucket Tool. Un-check the Contiguous box in the Options bar then fill the white part with the Foreground color.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 21

Step 7

Create a new layer on top of the original text layer. Pick the Polygonal Lasso Tool and draw a selection around the empty areas between the two text layers.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 22

Once you create the selection fill it with the same Foreground color then get rid of the selection (Ctrl + D).

Cool Unusual Text Effect 23

Do the same for the rest of the letters, then merge this layer with the original text layer.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 24

Step 8

Next we are going to use the Dodge Tool and Burn Tool to lighten and darken certains areas.

Pick the Dodge Tool, set the Range to Midtones and the Exposure to 30% (in the Options bar). If you are working on edges you’ll need to select those edges (using the Polygonal Lasso Tool) so that they look sharp, then, lighten the lower part of the selection.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 25

As for curves, no need for selections.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 26

Use the Burn Tool with the same settings as the Dodge Tool to darken the areas left.

Cool Unusual Text Effect 27

Using the Dodge and Burn tools help give depth to the 3D effect.

Final Image

Hope you enjoyed the tutorial and found it useful.

Cool Unusual Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:50 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect

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This Photoshop tutorial explains how to make a simple gold text effect by using some layer styles, namely the Gradient Overlay layer style!


Final Image Preview

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect


  • 9 tileable metal textures (starnetblog_tileable_metal_texture8.jpg)
  • Grungy Brush package
  • Highlight Glint or Star Sparkle Brush Set

Step 1: Setting the Stage

Let’s start by making a new document in Photoshop. I created a new document sized 500 x 500 pixels with all the default settings, RGB, 72 DPI, etc.

After creating your document, set the Foreground color to #393943 and the Background color to #100e19, then fill the Background with a Radial Gradient.

Duplicate the Background layer (Ctrl+J).

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 1

Double click the “Background copy” layer to apply a Pattern Overlay layer style. Change the Blend Mode to Multiply, the Opacity to 70%, and the Scale to 25%. Use the starnetblog_tileable_metal_texture8.jpg image from the 9 tileable metal textures pack, (it is also the second pattern in the  file), as the Pattern.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 2

You can play around with the values, for example, other good layer modes to use in this case are Soft Light, Vivid Light, and Color Dodge. You can as well choose different patterns, but you might need to adjust the Scale value if you do so.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 3

Get out the Rectangular Marquee Tool. Click the Add to Selection icon in the Options bar at the top, and set the Style to Fixed Size, then type 50% in both the Width and Height boxes. Drag your selection onto the canvas then into the bottom right corner of your canvas, do the same but in the top left corner.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 4

Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Dark Squares”, and fill the selections with the Background color (#100e19). Go to Select -> Deselect (or press Ctrl + D) to get rid of the selections.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 5

Lower the Opacity for this layer to 25%.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 6

Use a large soft brush to erase away the center (middle area) of the squares, so you get something like this:

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 7

Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Light Squares”. Repeate the previous steps to create two more selections in the empty corners, and this time use the Foreground color (#393943) to fill the selections.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 8

Create another new layer on top of all layers and call it “Grunge Brush”. Use the brushes from the Grungy Brush package to add a bit of grunge at the bottom of the document, using the Foreground color (#393943) as the brush color.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 9

Change the layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply and lower the Opacity to something around 40%.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 10

Step 2: Setting Up your Text

This is the easy part. Get out the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and write your text in whatever color you want. The font used is Impact, and the size is 80px. You can use any other font you like, bolder fonts give a better result.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 11

Double click the text layer to apply the following Layer Styles:

- Drop Shadow: Change the Opacity to 85%, the Distance to 2, and the Size to 15.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 12

- Inner Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Color Dodge, the color to #a98e0f, the Opacity to 50%, the Distance to 1, and the Size to 0.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 13

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Dodge, the Opacity to 55%, the color to #fae48f, the Size to 3, and the Range to 70%.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 14

- Gradient Overlay: Check the Reverse box, and change the Scale to 55%.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 15

Click the Gradient box to create the gradient using the colors #fae48f, #ffc230 and #9f7f00. Position the color stops as shown below:

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 16

This is how your text should look like after applying the Layer Styles:

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 17

The last thing we’re going to do is adding some sparkles! So create a new layer on top of all layers, set the Foreground color to white, and use a sparkles brush to create some sparkles around your text.

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect 18

Final Image

And that’s it! This is what your text should look like:

Creating Simple Gold Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:53 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Cool Dots Text Effect

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This Photoshop tutorial explains how to design a three-dimensional text, which consists of dots and a blurred extension.


Final Image Preview

Cool Dots Text Effect


  • Font BorisBlackBoxx

Step 1

Create a new document, 1600px for the width and 1000px for the height. Set the Foreground color to #8a5a01, and the Background color to #ba9145, then drag a Linear Gradient from left to right. You can choose your own colors as well, or add an adjustment layer to change the colors as shown in the end of this tutorial.

Cool Dots Text Effect 1

Open the Brush panel (Window -> Brush), and modify the Brush Tip Shape settings as shown below:

Cool Dots Text Effect 6

Create the text using the font BorisBlackBloxx, and the Size of 400 pt.

Cool Dots Text Effect 2

Use the Pen Tool, and make sure to click the Paths icon in the Options bar, to draw a curve in the middle of the first letter. Add the main anchor points, you can modify them later.

Cool Dots Text Effect 3

If you think that the curve needs more anchor (control) points, you can always add ones using the Add Anchor Point Tool.

Cool Dots Text Effect 4

Then, you can use the Direct Selection Tool to click and drag the curve’s anchor points or the direction lines.

Cool Dots Text Effect 5

Step 2

Create a new layer on top of of all layers, and with the Pen Tool still active, right click on the path and choose Stroke Path.

Cool Dots Text Effect 7

Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu and make sure that the Simulate Pressure box is un-checked.

Cool Dots Text Effect 8

This will stroke the path with the modified brush. Hit Enter to get rid of the path.

Cool Dots Text Effect 9

Create a new path near the inner edge of the letter, and stroke the path on a new layer.

Cool Dots Text Effect 10

Do the same for the outer edge as well. You will end up having three layers, one for each stroke.

Cool Dots Text Effect 11

Repeat the same process for the remaining letters. You can use custom shapes instead of drawing the curves when possible (like using the Ellipse Tool, with the Paths icon in the Options bar clicked, for the O letter).

Cool Dots Text Effect 12

Remeber to stroke the path on a separate layer each time.

Cool Dots Text Effect 13

You can duplicate any layers for the same letters.

Cool Dots Text Effect 14

Once you’re done, each letter will have 3 layers covering it with dots.

Cool Dots Text Effect 15

Step 3

Make the original text layer invisible (by clicking the eye icon next to it), because we don’t need it.

Cool Dots Text Effect 16

Select all the Dots layers, then go to Layer -> Merge Layers (Ctrl + E) to merge them in one layer, and call it “Merged Dots”.

Cool Dots Text Effect 17

Use the Erase Tool to get rid of any dots that are not aligned with the others.

Cool Dots Text Effect 18

Make sure that the “Merged Dots” layer is active (selected), then go to Select -> Load Selection. Choose the “Merged Dots Transperancy” Channel. This will select the layer’s contents (the dots).

Cool Dots Text Effect 19

Pick the Gradient Tool, and choose the Spectrum Gradient. Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “Gradient”, then fill the selection with the gradient.

Cool Dots Text Effect 20

Make the “Merged Dots” Layer invisible.

Cool Dots Text Effect 21

Step 4

Go to Edit -> Transform -> Perspective, and move the corners as shown below. You can transform the text as you like for now, and you can do that again anytime you think the text needs more perspective later on. Once you’re done hit Enter.

Cool Dots Text Effect 22

Pick the Lasso Tool, and create a selection around the first letter, then press Ctrl + J to duplicate it in a separate layer. Rename that layer to the letter it contains.

Cool Dots Text Effect 23

Repeat the same for the other letters. Once you have a layer for each letter, make the “Gradient” layer invisible.

Cool Dots Text Effect 24

Step 5

Duplicate the first letter’s layer.

Cool Dots Text Effect 25

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Motion Blur, and set the values as shown below:

Cool Dots Text Effect 26

Make four duplicates of the copy layer.

Cool Dots Text Effect 27

Merge the “copy” layers, and move them below the original letter’s layer.

Cool Dots Text Effect 28

Go to Edit -> Trasform -> Perspective, and transform the merged “copy” layer to make the blurred part look like an extension of the original letter.

Cool Dots Text Effect 29

Erase the blurred parts to the left.

Cool Dots Text Effect 30

This is what you should get. You can make the other letters layers invisible if you like.

Cool Dots Text Effect 31

Pick the Blur Tool, and change the Options bar settings as shown below, then blur the lateral part of the extension.

Cool Dots Text Effect 32

Use a soft brush with an Opacity value of 30% to slightly erase the end of the extension, so that it looks feathered out.

Cool Dots Text Effect 33

Repeat the same steps for each letter.

Cool Dots Text Effect 34

Step 6

Merge the original letters layers in one layer and rename it to whatever text you have.

Cool Dots Text Effect 35

Duplicate each one of the extension layers to make them more vivid.

Cool Dots Text Effect 36

Duplicate the merged letters’ layer (cool), and drag the copy layer below the original one.

Cool Dots Text Effect 37

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur, and enter 2.5 for the Raduis.

Cool Dots Text Effect 38

Step 7

Create a new layer right on top of the Background layer and call it “Shadow”. Set the Foreground color to #634016, and use a soft round brush (500 px) to paint a shadow below the text.

Cool Dots Text Effect 39

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur and enter 20 for the Raduis.

Cool Dots Text Effect 40

Change the “Shadow” layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply and its Opacity to 70%.

Cool Dots Text Effect 41

If you want you can select all the visible layers (except for the Background), then go to Edit -> Transform -> Perspective, and rotate the text even more.

Cool Dots Text Effect 42

Step 8

If you’d like to change the Background colors to add more contrast, then select the Background layer, and click the Create new fill or adjustment layer down the Layers panel, then choose “Hue/Saturation”.

Cool Dots Text Effect 43

Change the Values as shown below:

Cool Dots Text Effect 44

Once again, click the Create new fill or adjustment layer, but choose “Levels” this time. Change the values as shown below:

Cool Dots Text Effect 45

Finally, select the “Shadow” layer once again, then go to Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation, and change the Saturation value to to -100 (to match the new Background colors).

Cool Dots Text Effect 46

Final Image

Cool Dots Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:54 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Stars Candy Text Effect

Stock Images
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This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to use a stars-candy texture to create a nice stars candy text effect.


Final Image Preview

Stars Candy Text Effect


  • 8 wooden patterns by celestesd
  • Grungy Cracked Wall by Light-Hiruma
  • Sweet Stars by LittleLauraa

Step 1

Open the “hetedeik.png” image from the 8 wooden patterns set, then go to Edit -> Define Pattern.

Stars Candy Text Effect 1

Create a new 1024 x 768 px document, and fill the Background with the wood pattern.

Stars Candy Text Effect 2

Place the Grungy Cracked Wall texture on top of the Background, and change its layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Stars Candy Text Effect 3

Step 2

Use the Horizontal Type Tool (T) to create your text in Black. The font used is ‘Hobo Std’, and the size is 200 pt.

Stars Candy Text Effect 4

Go to Edit -> Transform -> Warp, choose Arc from the Warp drop down menu, and set the Bend value to 30. Hit Enter to accept the changes.

Stars Candy Text Effect 5

Duplicate the text layer, and make the original one invisible (by clicking the eye icon next to it).

Stars Candy Text Effect 6

Right click on the copy text layer and choose Rasterize Type.

Stars Candy Text Effect 7

The text is no longer editable now, so make sure to modify the text before this step.

Stars Candy Text Effect 8

Step 3

Use the Lasso Tool to select the first letter. Make sure the copy (rasterized) text layer is selected (active).

Stars Candy Text Effect 9

Press Ctrl/Cmd + J to duplicate the letter to a separate layer, then rename the duplicated layer to whatever letter it has.

Stars Candy Text Effect 10

Do the same thing for the rest of the letters. Don’t forget to select the rasterized text layer each time before pressing Ctrl/Cmd + J.

Stars Candy Text Effect 11

Step 4

Place the Sweet Stars texture on top of all layers, rename its layer to “Texture”, and make the rasterized text layer invisible, so that only the separate letters layers are visible.

Stars Candy Text Effect 12

Duplicate the “Texture” layer then make it invisible. Resize (Edit -> Transform -> Scale) the texture (in the “Texture copy” layer) so that it almost covers one letter only.

Stars Candy Text Effect 13

Press Ctrl/Cmd key, and click on the first letter layer’s thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.

Stars Candy Text Effect 14

Use the Polygonal Lasso Tool OR the Magnetic Lasso Tool (L), whichever one you prefer, to Add missing parts of the stars on the edges or Subtract those extra ones from the selection you have (click the Add to Selection or Subtract from Selection icons in the Options bar to do so).

This doesn’t have to be perfect, and it’s fine if you forgot some parts, as you can still fix those in the following Steps. Just try to cover as much stars as possible, and take your time in this Step.

Stars Candy Text Effect 15

Once you’re done, click the “Redifine Edge” button in the Options bar.

Stars Candy Text Effect 16

Modify the Smooth and Contrast values till the edges are soft, then click OK.

Stars Candy Text Effect 17

Press Ctrl/Cmd + J to duplicate the selected texture on a separate layer. You can make the “Texture copy” layer invisible to see how the texture looks, but don’t forget to make it visible once again (by clicking in the empty square next to the layer) before moving on to the next step.

Stars Candy Text Effect 18

Step 5

Move the texture to cover the next letter. You can as well rotate it (Edit -> Transform -> Rotate), and always hit Enter to accept changes when you’re done.

Stars Candy Text Effect 19

Repeat the same steps till you have a texture for all of the letters, each one on a separate layer.

Stars Candy Text Effect 20

Now, use any of the Lasso Tools to select a couple of stars from the texture. Choose ones that are not missing any parts, in different agles and colors, to add them to the letters.

Stars Candy Text Effect 21

Redifine the selection Edges, then press Ctrl/Cmd + J to duplicate those stars into a separate layer, and rename it to “Stars”. Once you’re done, make the “Texture copy” layer invisible.

Stars Candy Text Effect 22

Step 6

Select a star using the Lasso Tool, duplicate it to a separate layer (Ctrl/Cmd + J), then move it around to fill in the empty edges. You can make as many copies as you need of each star, and you can rotate and scale them as well. Try to cover all the empty areas in the letters’ texture.

Stars Candy Text Effect 23

You can use the Eraser Tool to get rid of any unwanted parts.

Stars Candy Text Effect 24

This step might take a while, but it’s important to make sure no areas are empty or incomplete, so take your time.

Stars Candy Text Effect 25

When you’re done, select all the Stars texture layers, and press Ctrl/Cmd + E (Layer -> Merge Layers) to have the texture in one layer. Rename the merged layer to “Stars-Final”.

Stars Candy Text Effect 26

Make all other text layers invisible.

Stars Candy Text Effect 27

You might notice some areas that still need to be erased, so go ahead and do so.

Stars Candy Text Effect 28

Step 7

Duplicate the “Stars-Final” layer.

Stars Candy Text Effect 29

Set the Foreground and Background colors to Black and White, then go to Filter -> Noise -> Add Noise, and change the values as shown below:

Stars Candy Text Effect 30

Change the “Stars-Final copy” layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Stars Candy Text Effect 31

Go to Image -> Adjustments -> Hue/Saturation (Ctrl/Cmd + U), and set the Saturation to -80.

Stars Candy Text Effect 32

Go to Filter -> Blur -> Gaussian Blur, and set the Raduis to 5. This will soften the texture

Stars Candy Text Effect 33

Step 8

Double click on the “Stars-Final” layer to add some shadows. Start with Drop Shadow, and use the default values.

Stars Candy Text Effect 34

Then, add Inner Shadow. Change the color to #a7a7a7, and the Distance to 0.

Stars Candy Text Effect 35

This will add depth to the texture.

Stars Candy Text Effect 36

Click the Create a new fill or adjustment layer icon down the Layers panel, and choose Photo Filter.

Stars Candy Text Effect 37

Choose the Sepia Filter.

Stars Candy Text Effect 38

Create a new layer right below the Photo Filter Layer and call it “Radial Gradient”. Set the Foreground color to #595959, choose the Foreground to Transparent Gradient, and check the Reverse box. Create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners, and change the layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay and its Opacity to 80%.

Stars Candy Text Effect 39

Finally, click the Ceate a new fill or adjustment layer icon again, but this time choose Levels, and make sure to place the Levels layer right on top of the Background layer.

Stars Candy Text Effect 40

change the Highlights value to 235 to brighten up the Background a bit, and that’s it!

Stars Candy Text Effect 41

Final Image

This is the final result. You can use the same technique with any other type of candy or food texture to create other delicious text effects!

Stars Candy Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

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چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:54 AM
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کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

How to Create Suspended Text Effect

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This tutorial explains how to create a nice colorfull suspended text effect.


Final Image Preview

How to Create Suspended Text Effect

Step 1

First create a new document, 1000×500 pixels, with a black background. Then, create your text in white. The font used is Verdana, and the size is 120pt. Choose Bold from the Font Style selection box next to the Font Family box in the Options bar.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 1

Step 2

Create a new layer on top of the Background layer and call it “Gradient”. Select the Gradient Tool, and set the Foreground color to White. Create a Foreground to Transparent gradient from top to bottom.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 2

Press the Ctrl key, and click on the text layer thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 3

Select the “Gradient” layer so that it is the active layer, and press Ctrl + J to copy the selection and paste it in a new layer, call the new layer “Gradient Letters”. Then, click on the eye icons next to the text and “Gradient” layers to make them invisible.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 4

Step 3

Pick the Rectangular Marquee Tool, and click the Intersect with Selection icon in the Options bar. Reselect the text (Ctrl + Click on the text layer thumbnail), then draw a rectangle around the first letter.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 5

This will make the letter S the only selected letter.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 6

Create a new layer on top of the “Gradient Letters” layer and call it “Colored Letters”, then change its Blend Mode to Screen. Fill the selection you created with the color #ff0000, then press Ctrl + D to get rid of the selection.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 7

Repeat the same process to each letter. (Ctrl + Click on the text layer thumbnail to create a selection, draw a rectangle around the letter you want to color, fill in the selection, and press Ctrl + D to get rid of the selection at the end.) The colors used here are as follows:

S – #ff0000
U – #ff7e00
S – #fffc00
P – #a2ff00
E – #06ec00
N – #00d8ff
D – #004eff
E – #7200ff
D – #f000ff

This is what you should get:

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 8

Step 4

Set the Fill value for both the “Gradient Letters” and “Colored Letters” layers to 60%, and duplicate each one of them.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 9

Select the original “Colored Letters” layer, then go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and set the Raduis to 5. Do the same thing for the original “Gradient Letters” layer.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 10

Merge all 4 layers together (select them all, then go to Layer > Merge Layers).

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 11

Step 5

Now, create a selection from the original text layer again (Ctrl + Click on the original text layer’s thumbnail), use the Rectangular Marquee Tool, and click the Intersect with Selection icon in the Options bar, then draw a rectangle around the first layer.

Once the letter is selected, press Ctrl + J to copy it and paste it in a new layer.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 12

Repeat the same process for each letter. Don’t forget to select the “Colored Letters copy” layer after you press Ctrl + J each time.

Once you’re done, you should have each letter in a separate layer. Remove the eye icon next to the “Colored Letters copy” layer to make it invisible.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 13

Step 6

Set the Foreground color to #e5ffff, and pick the Pen Tool. Make sure to clik the Paths icon in the Options bar as well.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 14

Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it Rope. Draw a path as shown below:

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 15

Choose a hard round brush and set its Size to 3 px. Then, pick the Pen Tool once again, right click on the path you’ve created, and choose Stroke Path.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 16

Use the settings below:

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 17

This should stroke the path with the brush you modified. Hit Enter to get rid of the path.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 18

Duplicate the “Rope” layer, then select the original one, and apply the Gaussian Blur Filter once again (You can press Ctrl + F to do so).

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 19

Drag the two “Rope” layer so that they are under all the letters’ layers.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 20

Step 7

Rotate and move the letters to place them on the Rope.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 21

Ctrl + Click the “Rope” layer’s thumbnail to create a selection.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 22

Pick the Eraser Tool, and select the Letters layers, one by one, to erase the outer edges so that the letter looks like its really hung on the Rope.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 23

This is how the text should look like:

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 24

Now choose a hard round brush for the Eraser Tool, set its size to 5 px, and again, select the Letters layers one by one, to erase the parts where the Rope and the Letter meet.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 25

You should end up with a result similar to this.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 26

Step 8

We’re going to make the background more colorful. So create a new layer on top of the Background layer and call it “BG Colors”. Then, select a soft round brush, and scatter some different sized spots on your canvas using different bright colors, for example #fe5a00, #ffe100, #7cff00 and #00fff5.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 27

Use the Eraser Tool with a soft round brush to erase a bit of the colors at the center (around the text).

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 28

Set the “BG Colors” layer’s Opacity to 25%. And we’re done!.

How to Create Suspended Text Effect 29

Final Image

How to Create Suspended Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:56 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect

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This Photoshop tutorial explains how to create a nice simple stuffed text effect, using Photoshop layers, styles and filters.


Final Image Preview

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect


  • BubbleGum font
  • Plain Fabric Texture 06

Step 1

Create a new document, 1024x768px, set foreground color to #6e3f68 and background color to #261e25. Then create a radial gradient from the center of the document to one of the corners.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 1

Step 2

Create the text using the color #9572a2, the font used is BubbleGum, and the size is 250 px.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 2

Double click the text layer to apply the following styles:

- Drop Shadow: Just change the Size to 27.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 3

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #6f389d, the Distance to 0, and the Size to 29.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 4

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Size to 40, the Gloss Contour to Gaussian and check the Anti-aliased box, the Highlight Mode to Overlay, and the Shadow Mode color to #7d7d7d. (You might need to adjust the Size value if you are using a different font family of size.)

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 5

- Texture: Choose the Woven Pattern (this Pattern is located on Patterns group), and set the Depth to 20.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 6

- Gradient Overlay: Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light, and click the Gradient box to modify the colors.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 7

The Gradient is created using two colors, #6e6e6e and #464646.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 8

This is what you should get after applying the styles above:

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 9

Step 3

The text is starting to get the “stuffed” look, but it still needs more defining and textutring. So create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “texture”.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 10

Press the Ctrl key, and click the text layer’s thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 11

Set the Foreground color to #a77d31 and the Background color to #724c21, fill the selection with the Foreground color, and press Ctrl + D (Select -> Deselect) to get rid of the selection.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 12

We’re going to apply a couple of filters, so change the values as shown in the images below for each filter. Start by going to Filter > Sketch > Reticulation:

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 13
Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 14

Next, go to Filter > Artistic > Watercolor:

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 15
Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 16

Finally, go to Filter > Artistic > Underpainting:

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 17
Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 18

Once you’re done, go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, change the Saturation value to -100 and the Lightness to +10.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 19

Change the “texture” layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 20

Step 4

It’s time to add some stitches. Open your Brush panel (Window > Brush or F5). Choose a hard round brush, change its size to 10 px, the Roundness to something around 21%, and the Spacing to 675%.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 21

Under Shape Dynamics make sure to choose Direction from the Angle Jitter drop down menu, this will make the stitches follow the direction of the text path.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 22

Create a new layer on top of all layers, call it “stitches”, and set the Foreground color to #9b79a8.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 23

Right click on the text layer and choose Create Work Path. Then select the “stitches” layer again so that it is the active layer.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 24

Pick the Direct Selection Tool, right click the path you’ve just created, and choose Stroke Path.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 25
Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 26

The text should be stroked with the stitches brush.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 27

Double click the “stitches” layer to add the two following layer styles:

- Drop Shadow: Just change the Distance to 0.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 28

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Shadow Mode color #60371d.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 29

This will add more depth and dimension to the stitches.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 30

Step 5

Finally, we are going to add a simple Background. Open the Plain Fabric Texture 06 (full size) and place it right on top of the Gradient Background. Resize the image so that it fits in your document, then go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, change the Saturation to -100 and the Lightness to +50.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 31

Change the image layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect 32

Final Image

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:56 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Branding Iron Text Effect

Stock Vectors
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In this easy Photoshop tutorial you’ll learn how to design a very cool-looking branding iron effect, using the type tool, a few shapes, and a fair few layer style effects.


Final Image Preview

This is the outcome from the tutorial:

Branding Iron Text Effect

Note: This is one very old PhotoshopStar tutorial created by Eli that was updated as i was receiving a lot of requests about it.


  • Wood texture I by Resurgidaresources
  • Grunge Brushes Pack by wickedjess

Step 1

Start by creating a new document in Photoshop. Any size will do, but for this tutorial the size is 600 x 300 pixels, with the default resolution of 72. After this, you might want to choose a nice background for your canvas. The texture used here is Wood texture I by ResurgidaResources. Resize the texture till it fits in your document.

Branding Iron Text Effect 1

Step 2

Get the Horizontal Type Tool out and write your desired text, preferably something short, if you can. The font used is called Impact, and the size is 200 pt. Also, you can feel free to use any color you want for the text at this stage.

Branding Iron Text Effect 2

Next, the border for your shape. Find and get out the Rounded Rectangle Tool, then set up your settings as similar to the ones shown below as you can/want:

Branding Iron Text Effect 3

Now you’ve got your tool and settings set up, create a new layer (underneath your text layer), then draw a shape the suitable size, a just so it hangs around the outside of your text.

Branding Iron Text Effect 4

Next, change the Fill value for this layer to 0%.

Branding Iron Text Effect 5

Then apply a Stroke layer style.

Branding Iron Text Effect 6

Now your shape should look like this:

Branding Iron Text Effect 7

Finish off this step by merging your two layers together (the text and shape layers), so the whole shape is on one single layer. You can do this by selecting both layers, then going to Layer -> Merge Layers.

Branding Iron Text Effect 8

Step 3

The shape still needs a few more changes before we finalize it. Start by filling your shape with a red color, do this by clicking the little icon near the top of your layer’s palette that ‘locks the transparent pixels.

Branding Iron Text Effect 9

After you’ve locked the transparent pixels, fill your shape with a red color, the color used here is #ac2009.

Branding Iron Text Effect 10

Finish off this step by rotating and maybe resizing your shape slightly. Press Ctrl + T to go into the Transform Mode, and hit Enter when you’re done to get out of it.

Branding Iron Text Effect 11

Step 4

Now we’re finished with the shape, let’s add some effects. Right-click your layer in the layer’s palette and go to the Blending Options. Click and apply the following layer styles/settings:

- Inner Shadow: Change the Blend Mode to Soft Light, the Opacity to 40%, the Distance to 3, and the Size to 2.

Branding Iron Text Effect 12

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the Choke to 10, and the Size to 6.

Branding Iron Text Effect 13

- Satin: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay.

Branding Iron Text Effect 14

- Gradient Overlay: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the Opacity to 40%, check the Reverse box, and set the Style to Reflected.

Branding Iron Text Effect 15

- Pattern Overlay: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the Opacity to 40%, and set the Pattern to Rusted Metal.

Branding Iron Text Effect 16

Now your shape should look pretty much like this:

Branding Iron Text Effect 17

Step 5

Looking good so far! This step is optional, in which we’ll erase away a bit of the shape to give a bit more of an interesting effect. Start by creating a new layer, then merging your shape and blank layer together, this is basically applying the layer styles to the pixels, so they’re not really there anymore.

Branding Iron Text Effect 18

After doing this, get out your eraser tool and select a grungy brush. Erase away a bit of your shape like so.

Branding Iron Text Effect 19

Step 6

When you’re pretty much all finished with your shape, go into the Transform Mode (Ctrl + T), and size your shape down to about 60.0% of it’s original size. This is what the shape should look like:

Branding Iron Text Effect 20

You can as well go ahead and create a new layer right beneath the Shape layer, then, create a Radial Gradient the goes from Transparent at the center of the document to Black at the corners, and change the layer’s Blend Mode to Soft Light.

Branding Iron Text Effect 21

Finally, you can add some Black grungy strokes as shown below:

Branding Iron Text Effect 22

Final Image

And now we’re pretty much finished with this tutorial, I hope it was sufficient for you all! I also hope you enjoyed this tutorial, I know I did!

Branding Iron Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:57 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect

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This tutorial explains how to use Photoshop layer styles and Filters to create a nice marble text effect.

Final Image Preview

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect


  • Marble Stone Texture Stock
  • Wrexham Script

Step 1

Fill the Background with the color #534d39. Place Marble Stone Texture Stock on top of the Background, and change its Blend Mode to Multiply.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 1

Create the text using the color #b0ac97. The font used is Wrexham Script and the size is 377px. Duplicate the text layer to create two copies, and change the Fill value of the copy layer to 0.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 2

Step 2

Double click on the original text layer to apply the following styles:
- Drop Shadow: Change the color to #585858, the Distance to 6 and the Size to 10.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 3

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #908c78, the Size to 13, and the Contour to Half Round.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 4

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Linear Light, the color to #afafac, the Technique to Precise, and the Size to 10.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 5

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Depth to 300, the Size to 12, the Soften to 3, and the Shadow Mode color to #6e6b5e.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 6

This is what the text should look like:

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 7

Step 3

Now, we are going to add a glass effect to the copy text layer (the text layer on the top), so double click it, and add a Bevel and Emboss effect. Change the Depth to 250 and the Size to 7. Un-check the Use Global Light box, and change the Angle to 100 and the Altitude to 60. Also, check the Anti-aliased box for a smooth result, change the Highlight Mode Opacity value to 80%, and the Shadow Mode color to #d9d9d9.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 8

This is what you will get.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 9

Step 4

Create a new layer between the two text layers and call it “texture”.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 10

Press the Ctrl/Command key, and click on a text layer thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 11

Set the Foreground color to #a77d31, and the Background color to #fff8de. Fill the selection with the Foreground color on texture layer.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 12

Press Ctrl/Command + D to get rid of the selection.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 13

Step 5

Now, we are going to use some filters to create the Marble texture. Start with Filter > Artistic > Sponge. Change the Brush Size to 2, the Definition to 25, and the Smoothness to 5.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 14

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 15

Go to Filter > Sketch > Chalk and Charcoal. Change the Charcoal Area to 7, the Chalk area to 10, and the Stroke Pressure to 1.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 16

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 17

Go to Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap. Change the Highlight Strength to 17, the Detail to 14, and the Smoothness to 5.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 18

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 19

Finally, go to Filter > Artistic > Film Grain. Change the Grain to 10, the Highlight Area to 15, and the Intensity to 10.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 20

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 21

Step 6

Change the “texture” layer’s Blend Mode to Multiply.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 22

Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue/Saturation, and change the Saturation value to -80.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect 23

Final Image

And this is the final effect.

Learn to Create Marble Text Effect

اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:58 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Learn to Create Party Text Effect

Stock Vectors
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Welcome to PhotoshopStar.com! If you find this site useful, you might want tosubscribe to our free newsletter for updates on our new Photoshop Tutorials and Articles.

This tutorial explains how to use Photoshop layer styles, filters, and brushes to create an awesome sparkly text effect.

Final Image Preview

Learn to Create Party Text Effect

Step 1

Create a new document that is 1350 x 1000 px. Set the Foreground color to #525252, and the Background color to #0d0d0d. Create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of it corners making sure that you selected Foreground to Background gradient preset.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect b1

Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Set the Amount to 5, the Distribution to Uniform, and check the Monochromatic box.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect b2

Step 2

Create the text using the color #ffeb0f. The font used is Titania and the size is 377px. Duplicate the text layer so you have two copies.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 1

Double click on the copy text layer (the one on the top) to apply the following styles:

- Drop Shadow: Change the color to #383838, and the Size to 10.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 2

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #625841, the Size to 13, and the Contour to Half Round.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 3

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Depth to 450, the Size to 10, the Gloss Contour to Log, and check the Anti-aliased box. Also, change the Highlight Mode color to #fff119, and the Shadow Mode color to #8a7b3e.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 4

- Contour: Just check the Anti-aliased box

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 5

This is what the text should look like:

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 6

Step 3

Press the Ctrl/Command key, and while still pressing, click on the text layer thumbnail (icon) to create a selection.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 7

Set the Foreground color to #7d6905 and the Background color to #d3c614. Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “texture”. Fill the selection with the Foreground color, and press Ctrl/Command + D to get rid of the selection.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 8

Step 4

Now, we are going to use a couple of filters to create the sparkly texture. Start by going to Filter > Sketch > Notepaper. Change the Image Balance to 25, the Graininess to 10, and the Relief to 11.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 9

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 10

Go to Filter > Texture > Stained Glass. Change the Cell Size to 2, the Border Thickness to 4, and the Light Intensity to 1. The Light Intensity property adds brightness to the center of the texture, so you can increase the value if you want more brightness in the center.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 11

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 12

Finally, go to Filter > Stylize > Glowing Edges. Change the Egde Width to 2, the Edge Brightness to 10, and the Smoothness to 5.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 13

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 14

Change the “texture” layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 15

That’s it for the text effect. Next, we’re going to add some sparkles using the Brush tool.

Step 5

Open the Brush panel (Window > Brush), and choose a hard round brush. Change the size to 10px, and set the Spacing to something around 322%.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 16

Under Shape Dynamics, change the Size Jitter to 100%, the Roundness Jitter to 62%, and the Minimum Roundness to 25%.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 17

Under Scattering, Change the Scatter value to 431%.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 18

Finally, under Color Dynamics, change the Foreground/Background Jitter to 100%, and the Brightness Jitter to 50%. This will give the sparkles different brightness and color values.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 19

Step 6

Right click on the text layer, and choose Create Work Path.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 20

Make the color #d3c614 the Foreground color, and change the Background color to #ffff08. Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “sparkles”, and grab the Direct Selection Tool.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 21

Right click on the path, and choose Stroke Path.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 22

Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu, and make sure the Simulate Pressure box is un-checked.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 23

This will stroke the path with the brush you’ve just created.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 24

Change the “sparkles” layer’s Blend Mode to Linear Light.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 25

Step 7

The last thing we’re going to do is add more shadow to the text, so that it blends more with the background, and has more depth. To do that, Double click on the original (bottom) text layer, un-check the Use Global Light box (as we want to change the direction of the shadow), and change the Angle to -20. Also, change the Distance to 8, and the Size to 10.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 26

Change the Fill value of the original text layer to 0, so that only the shadow is visible.

Learn to Create Party Text Effect 27

Final Image

Learn to Create Party Text Effect


اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  2:59 AM
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تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 7880
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به: آموزش فتوشاپ *

Create Space Style Text Effect

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This tutorial will show you how to create a futuristic space-style text effect, using Photoshop layer styles and a couple of filters.

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Create Space Style Text Effect


  • Mail Ray Stuff font

Step 1

Create a new document that is 1350 x 1000 px. Set the Foreground color to #4ea6d0, and the Background color to #195081. Create a Radial Gradient from the center of the document to one of it corners.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 2

Set the Foreground color to #b2ebfc. Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise. Change the Amount to 5, the Distribution to Gaussian, and check the Monochromatic box.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 3

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur, and change the Radius to 0.3.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 4

Create the text using the color #3684a1, the font used is Mail Ray Stuff, and the size is 450 px.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 5

Double Click on the text layer to apply the following styles:

- Inner Shadow: Change the color to #023e63, the Distance to 0, and the Size to 8.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Outer Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Vivid Light, the color to #72feff, the Size to 10, and the Range to 100%.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Inner Glow: Change the Blend Mode to Overlay, the color to #cffcff, the Choke to 10, and the Size to 30.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Bevel and Emboss: Change the Technique to Chisel Hard, the Depth to 250, and the Size to 50. Remove the check next to Use Global Light. Change the Altitude to 15, the Gloss Contour to Valley – Low, and check the Anti-aliased box. Finally, change the Shadow Mode color to #3c596b.

Create Space Style Text Effect

If you don’t have Valley – Low Contour then you need to:
1 – Go to Edit > Preset Manager. Choose Contours from the drop down menu.
2 – Click on the pop-up menu arrow, and choose Contours.
3 – Click Append to add the new contours to the original ones.
4 – The contours are now loaded.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Contour: Choose Notched Slope, and check the Anti-aliased box as well.

Create Space Style Text Effect

The text should look like this:

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 6

Press the Ctrl/Command key, and while it’s still pressed, click on the text layer’s thumbnail to create a selection. Create a new layer on top of the text layer and call it “texture”.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 7

Set the Foreground color to #7fb9ce and the Background color to #4e6e86, then go to Filter > Render > Clouds. Press Ctrl + D to get rid of the selection afterwards.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 8

Go to Filter > Artistic > Rough Pastels. Change the Stroke Length to 30, the Stroke Detail to 17, the Texture to Canvas, the Scaling to 115, the Relief to 50, and the Light to Bottom Left.

Create Space Style Text Effect

This is what you should get.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Change the “texture” layer’s Blend Mode to Overlay. That’s it for the texture.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 9

- Open the Brush panel (Window -> Brush), and choose the Star 26 pixels brush. Change the Spacing to 50%.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Under Shape Dynamics, change both the Size Jitter and the Angle Jitter to 100%.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Under Scattering, change the Scatter value to 1000%, and check Both Axes box. Change the Count to 2, or whatever value you like (A higher value gives more sparkles).

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 10

- Create a new layer on top of the Background layer and under the text layer, call it “sparkles”. Right click on the text layer and choose Create Work Path.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Select the “sparkles” layer so that it is the active layer. Set the Foreground color #72feff, and grab the Direct Selection Tool. Right click on the path and choose Stroke Path.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- Choose Brush from the Tool drop down menu, and make sure that the Simulate Pressure box is un-checked.

Create Space Style Text Effect

- The Path will be stroked with the sparkles brush. Hit Enter/Return to get rid of the path.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Step 11

Choose a soft round brush, the size should be something around 50px, and set the Foreground color to #ffffff (White). Create a new layer on top of all layers and call it “soft brush”, then, change its Blend Mode to Overlay.

With the soft brush, start clicking where there are bright areas on the text, this will make those highlights look even brighter. You can change the size of the brush as you like.

Create Space Style Text Effect

Final Image

And this is the final effect.

Create Space Style Text Effect


اللّهمّ عرّفنی نفسک فانّک إن لم تعرّفنی نفسک لم أعرف رسولک اللّهمّ عرّفنی رسولک فانّک ان لم تعرّفنی رسولک لم اعرف حجّتک

حافظ از دست مده دولت این کشتی نوح / ور نه طوفان حوادث ببرد بنیادت

چهارشنبه 23 مرداد 1392  3:00 AM
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