Trust Your Eyes, Not Your Ears
به چشمهایت اعتماد کن نه به گوشهایت
says you can't believe everything you read? Previous research has shown
that people tell lies in about a quarter of all their daily interactions,
but a new study at America's Cornell University has found that we're
more likely to lie during a phone conversation than in an e-mail
exchange, mainly because e-mails leave a record.
Professor Jeff Hancock asked 30 subjects to keep a communications diary for a week, confessing every time they told a lie. He found that lies made up a whopping 37% of phone conversations and 27% of chats in person, but just 21% of instant messaging and 14% of e-mails. "Most day-to-day lies emerge spontaneously in conversation," he says, "whereas e-mails are more planned."
mutual action, reciprocal action
admit (guilt, etc.); declare faith in
immediate, instantaneous, quick; urgent, pressing
enormous, very large
in a spontaneous manner; naturally, instinctively