Angels: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
فرشته های خوب، بد و زشت
I was about thirteen years old when I had my first encounter with an angel. I was going upstairs to my room, pulling my entire
weight on the handrail, when it suddenly came off in my hand. I fell
backwards, head first. Halfway into a terrible fall, I felt a strong
hand on my back push me upright. There was nobody there--well, nobody visible!
stories are always fascinating, and in this story I address angels: the
good, the bad, and the ugly. The good angels are the holy ones, the bad
angels are the evil ones, which the Bible calls demons, and the ugly angels are demons disguising themselves as good angels. These ugly angels havedeceived many people in a culture that has embraced "angel mania."
chance meeting
رويارويي، روياروي شدن، برخورد
whole, complete, full
تمام، درست
can be clearly seen; in view, observable
پيدا، پديدار، مريي، نمايان
evil spirit; devil, fiend; mischievous person
.ديو، جني، شيطان، روح پليد، اهريمن
deceived/present perfect of the deceive/:
cheat, mislead
فريفتن، فريب دادن، گولزدن
hide, conceal, impersonate
تغيير قيافه دادن، جامه مبدل پوشيدن، نهان داشتن،پنهان كردن
Embraced/past participle of the embrace/:
hug, hold tight, wrap one's arms around
در بر گرفتن، بغل كردن