واکسن تنباکو جهت درمان سرطان
Tobacco vaccine to treat cancer
واکسن تنباکو جهت درمان سرطان
According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the drug improves the body's immuneresponse, assisting it in fighting tumor
cells. They said that compared to the animal-derived vaccines, the
plant-based drug is more effective and can also be produced quicker and
cheaper without the common infection risks.
Immune /adjective/:
not susceptible to a disease, inoculated مقاوم دربرابر مرض بر اثر تلقيح واكسن
reply, answer, reaction واكنش ، پاسخ
aid, help كمك كردن، مساعدت كردن
state of being infected; contamination by germs or disease عفونت، سرايت مرض
abnormal swelling of any part of the body; growth ورم، غده تومور،
پنج شنبه 11 تیر 1388 11:12 AM
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