دشوارترین اوقاتی که بایستی پر شود
The Hardest Time Slot To fill
دشوارترین اوقاتی که بایستی پر شود
Time management is an important skill to possess in the fast-paced modern world of big business. This ability is so useful that the temporally challenged can take courses and even gain qualifications in structuring their day. Every plan though has its weak points and in the case of time management, as with most other forms of planning, it lies in people. These
are an ever-growing threat to the proper organization of society
especially when they all take a different amount of time to do whatever
you want to get done. Because of this you will frequently find yourself with a short period of time to fill between ending one task and starting another.Often this pause in useful activity will be very short and will allow youto collect your thoughts, make a mental list of all the jobs you can safely put off until tomorrow or remind yourself of that television programme you plan to watch after dinner. You will also encounter extendedbreak-downs in scheduling, forinstance because a co-worker found it necessary to cancel an hour-long meeting, leaving you with plenty of time to complete a complex or onerous task.
There is another amount of unexpected free time though. Twenty minutes. You will be unable to eat lunch in less than twenty-five minutes and a coffee break cannot be stretched beyond fifteen without the addition of another cup of coffee which will take the beverage- assisted relaxation period to twenty-three minutes or more. A brief pause could be used for a quick trip to the toilet, a long break could house a shower or even a bath, but twenty minutes offers no hope of a wash and a call of nature begins to look suspicious if it lasts for longer than six and a half minutes. If left with many hours on your hands you might be able to compose an uplifting symphony. With only three minutes you have the chance of whistling a joyful ditty to yourself but with the unholy gap of twenty minutes you can do neither. Alex Gough
/adjective/: enlarged, increased
Break-down /noun/: break, collapse under its own weight
Stretched /adjective/: extended to its full length; spread out
beyond /adverb/: past, further than
/adjective/: suspect, doubting
/adjective/: inspirational, moving, touching
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