There is nothing in nature that says that you must have 24 hours in one day. We have

developed these divisions of time for our own convenience. Even today there are

communities who do not have electricity. Their day simply means the time between

sunrise and sunset. The hours of the night when darkness comes, are for sleep.

We have based our day on the time it takes for the earth to rotate around its own


This time is 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds long. To make things easy for

ourselves we say that there are 24 hours in a day. آسودگي‌، راحتي


rotate  : cause to spin, cause to revolve around a central axis; spin or revolve around

a central axis                        محوري‌، چرخيدن‌، برمحور خود گرديدن‌                 

axis :
straight line around which an object turns  محور، قطب

convenience  : serviceableness; comfort; something useful