مراسم ازدواج

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 347
محل سکونت : سمنان

مراسم ازدواج

Weddings in England
مراسم ازدواج



Seven out of ten people in Britain get married at sonic time in their lives, and there are two ways to get married. You can have a religious wedding ceremony ­ (Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc.) in a place that is registered for marriages, or a registrar can marry you in a civil ceremony   without any religious content . It is quite easy to arrange a civil ceremony. You can get a special licence and get married in about three days. The bride and groom are usually over eighteen, ,but people can marry at sixteen with their parents' permission.


Ceremony /noun/: celebration; formality تشريفات‌، جشن‌، مراسم‌


­ Religious /adjective/:   of or pertaining to religion; pious   مذهبي


  Content /noun/: substance; component, contents گنجايش‌، حجم‌،محتوي‌، مضمـون‌


Permission/noun/: leave, dispensation   اجازه‌، پروانه

Sonic /adjective/:    of or pertaining to sound; of or pertaining to the speed of sound,
 produced by or relating to sound waves شنودي‌، صوتي
Time /noun/:   system used to place one event in relation to another (such as past vs.
 present, yesterday vs. today); period وقت‌، زمان‌، گاه‌، فرصت 
‌، مجال‌، (درجمع‌) زمانه‌، ايام‌،روزگار، مد روز

Civil /adjective/: pertaining to citizens, of civilians; polite غيرنظامي‌، مدني‌

Registrar /noun/: one who creates and maintains records
ثبت‌ كننده‌، كارمند اداره‌ ثبت‌، مدير دروس‌

سه شنبه 26 خرداد 1388  9:19 AM
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