Jerome Bartens was
diagnosed as deaf in his right ear when he was just


Over the next nine years, he struggled to live a normal life as a young boy — but

everything changed when he felt a sudden pop in his right ear while playing a game

of pool with friends.

He put his finger in his ear and pulled out a tip of a cotton wool bud that

 had been wedged in his ear since he was a toddler.

"It was just incredible — his hearing returned to normal in an instant," Barten's

dad said.

"I had always suspected Jerome had stuck something in his ear when he was

little and that was causing the problem. But the doctors and hearing specialists said

it was wax and he would probably grow out of it."

"I am amazed they didn't spot something as obvious as a cotton wool bud ."

Jerome is due to be examined by hearing experts later this week — and his dad is

taking along the cotton wool bud as proof of his "miracle cure".

It was very strange at first to be able to hear everything," said Barten.

"But now I'm getting used to it — it's great that people don't have to shout to me

or that I don't have to turn my head all the time."

Diagnose /v/: to find out what illness someone has, or what the cause of a fault is, after doing tests, examinations etc

Wedge/v/ : to force something firmly into a narrow space

Cotton Wool bud /n/: a small thin stick with cotton wool at each end, used for cleaning places that are hard to reach, such as inside your ears

Suspect /v/: to think that something is probably true, especially something bad