A report in The Independent newspaper has suggested that mobile phones can kill large numbers of bees around the world. 
About 70 percent of the bee population on the East Coast of the United States has been lost this year. Beekeepers in the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe have also reported that bee populations are much less this year.  This may be related to the effect of mobile phones on bees, "The theory is that radiation from mobile phones interferes with bees' navigation systems," according to the report. That is to say, the bees are unable to find their way back to their hives.

Suggest(v) : suggested    recommend     پيشنهاد دادن   

Population(n) : people, resident, citizens جمعيت
Radiation(n) : energy تابش و پرتو افشاني
Interfere(v) : get in the way, intrude         مداخله‌ كردن
Navigation(n) : system used to steer a ship aircraft or... دريايي