Every month, we introduce new students to the school. This month, we want to
introduce four new students to you. Please say "hello" when you see them in school

Mario is in English 101. He is from Cali, Colombia. His first language is Spanish, and he also speaks a little
French. He wants to be on the school volleyball team. He says he doesn’t play very well, but he wants to learn!

Eileen is in Mario's class. She is from Mozambique, in southern Africa. She speaks Swahili and Portuguese. She is studying English and engineering
. She wants to be an engineer. She says she does not play any sports, but she
wants to make a lot of new friends in her class.

 Introduce /Verb/:  present for the first time    نشان‌ دادن‌، معرفي‌ كردن‌

 Foreign /Adjective/:
  strange, unfamiliar    بيگانه‌، خارجي‌

Spanish /Noun/: Romance language spoken in Spain and most of Latin America                       اسپانيولي‌، اسپانيايي

  A little /Adverb/ :  a few, a small amount of          کمى

  Southern /Adjective/ :   situated in the south   جنوبي

 Engineering /Noun/:
work of an engineer (including planning, design, etc.) مهندسى