1. Self-EsteemSelf-esteem
is how a person thinks and feels about himself. A person who feels good
about himself will say good things and speak well. A person who feels
bad about himself will think negative thoughts and not have
self-confidence. Then fear will cause a person to not speak. When most
Chinese people are asked how their English is, they immediately respond
by saying, “Oh, my English is very poor. A student of English should
not say this to himself or to others.” When asked, “How is your
English?” or criticized, a good answer is “I am working very hard to
improve my English.” With increased confidence a person will overcome
fear and speak more freely. Saying or thinking negative thoughts will
short circuit the mind or give it deadly viruses.
2. Teaching Others
It is a known fact that the teacher learns more than the student. One
receives more when one gives. When a person only receives, he becomes crippled
and soon dies. First of all, the teacher becomes better at speaking
when he gives others instructions and encouragement. Secondly, the
person who speaks is forced to utilize
all the skills of speaking well. The brain is forced to remember what
is stored in the left brain, the teacher hears himself speak and
recognizes needs and self corrects while teaching and encouraging the
3. Singing Songs
a person who sings English songs over and over again will automatically memorize words and phrases. There is no hesitation,
no translation, and no confusion. Also, singing allows for the practice
of saying words and, at the same time, practices pronunciation because
singers verbalize each word more
slowly and exactly with the music. When songs are sung in English, the
brain can quickly connect the thoughts and meaning with sound.
4. Talking to the TV & Radio
Watching and listening to English speaking television and radio
channels is important, but talking to them is even more important. The
TV and radio will not answer questions nor pause for comments.
Nevertheless, a person’s listening skills will improve and his ability
to ask good questions and give good answers will also improve. This
method will require concentration since people habitually just “listen” to the radio and TV.
5. Reading Aloud and Reading a Lot
It’s through reading many stories and books that one absorbs the
culture, meaning, and beauty of a language. So the Students should read
out loud. Little children learn to speak by listening to their mothers
read to them. Together, both the reader and listener learn to tell
stories, adding drama and emphasis to words and expressions. It’s
important to read to others whenever possible.
6. Calling others on the Telephone
these can be friends, classmates, and workmates or family members. The
value comes in developing the ability to hear and understand the other
unseen person. Soon the ear will become accustomed
and the speech will also improve allowing both parties to better
understand each other. This can be a fun and very useful practice that
exercises the brain, ears and tongue.
7. Group Participation a student in
a formal English class at a school, university, or training company
must participate. It is vital to ask questions, offer opinions and
actively contribute to the class’s speaking activities. Also, a person
cannot participate unless he attends. Active, dedicated members of a
class practice many of the skills necessary to increase verbal speech.
8. interpreting for Others
Interpreting is one of the strongest methods of exercising the whole
brain to improve speaking ability. It is similar to teaching others,
but even more powerful because the person interpreting must hear in
Chinese, mentally understand and translate information in the mind,
then almost instantly verbalizes these ideas correctly in English. The
more advanced the English speaking ability, the better the interpretation.
9. Memorizing New Words and Phrases
Always having a small list of words and using them in every day conversation is vital to mastery. Doing this faithfully over a period of a few years will build a vocabulary as large as most native English speakers. Great progresscomes when quotes and phrases are not just memorized but used in daily speech.
10. Read, Write, and Memorize Poetry:
By reading, writing and memorizing poetry, a person is exercising one
of the highest forms of spoken English. It energizes both the left and
right brain while it conditions thinking and trains the tongue.
Self-Esteem /n/=
the feeling of being satisfied with your own abilities, and that you deserve to be liked or respected
Crippled /adj
Utilize /v/=
o use something for a particular purpose