British women who use the Nintendo Wii Fit video game to work out have caused a total of nearly $40 million in destruction to their homes, research indicates .

Women have accidentally kicked over televisions, furniture and pets while exercising in the privacy of their living rooms with the Wii, The Daily Telegraph reported.

About a fifth of women said they have accidentally knocked into objects in their living rooms or hurt themselves while using the Wii, a study by women's insurance company Sheila's Wheels revealed.

Home damages are expected to continue as the popularity of the Wii Fit increases throughout Britain, the report said.

Of the 1,000 women surveyed, 86 percent said they either already have a Wii Fit, or are preparing to buy one in the near future.


Destruction /noun/:   ruin, desolation       خرابي‌، ويراني‌

Indicate /verb/:   show; point out     نشان‌ دادن‌، نمايان‌ساختن

Kick over /verb/:     strike with the foot; make a thrusting لگدزدن‌

Privacy /noun/:     seclusion, solitude, reclusion خلوت‌، تنهايي‌

Throughout /preposition/:     in every part  سراسر، تماما