GOFG Sports Computer v1.1.1

برنامه ای ساده با اینترفیسی بسیار زیبا، جهت استفاده ورزشکاران. به هنگام انجام تمرینات ورزشی، این برنامه را اجرا نموده تا پس از تمرین اطلاعات کاملی همچون زمان، میانگین سرعت، حداکثر و حداقل سرعت، و مسافت پیموده شده، در اختیار شما قرار دهد.
توضيحات به زبان سازنده:
GOFG (Get On Fat Guy) Sports Computer is a cross platform sports tracker. Supported platforms are Android, Maemo, Symbian, WebOS and Windows Mobile. It is OpenSource and its intention is to support tracking your sports activities using GPS.
GOFG stands for "Get On Fat Guy" and is an ironic self reference. I founded this project when I wanted to intensify my training. In order to do so I wanted to track all relevant information, including position, speed, heart-rate, etc. Therefor GOFG SC supports any GPS device and (in future releases) the Zephyr HxM for heart rate measuring.
GOFG SportsComputer has the following features:
•GPS Tracking
•Heart-Rate measuring (using Zephyr's HxM, planned)
•Export Tracks to: fitlog (SportTracks), TCX (Garmin Training Database)
•Full Portrait and Landscape support (switching on the fly is possible)
•Various other small features
GOFG Sports Computer is a cross platform application. It supports Android, Maemo, Symbian, WebOS and Windows Mobile. For development we use both a Windows Mobile 6.5 and Android 2.2 based device.
What's New in This Release:
· This is a maintenance release and fixes several bugs as well as introduces some new features like a settings and an about dialog
تصاویر بیشتر:

سايت سازنده: http
قیمت: 0 دلار
سيستم مورد نياز: ویندوزموبایل 2003 یا بالاتر - تمامی رزولوشن ها
روش نصب: برنامه رایگان می باشد.
رمز فايل: 4pda.ir
حجم: 770 کیلو بايت
یا علی

شنبه 21 اسفند 1389 7:27 PM
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