Dutch scientists have suggested that drinking too much coffee can lowerpregnancy chances in women . According to a recent study, drinking more than four cups of coffee a day can have negative effects.Findings show that smoking more than one cigarette per day and being overweight also impede pregnancy.

Suggested/past participle of the Suggest/:   propose, mention; recommend as suitable  شاره‌ كردن‌ بر، بفكرخطور دادن‌، اظهار كردن‌، پيشنهادكردن‌

Lower/verb/: decrease, turn down; lessen; let down پايين‌ آوردن‌، تخفيف‌ دادن‌، كاستن‌ از
Pregnancy/noun/:  state of carrying a child in the uterus بارداري‌
Recent/adjective/: new, fresh, late, of late times   تازه‌، جديد، اخير
Impede/verb/ :  delay, obstruct; hinder بازداشتن‌، مانع‌شدن‌، ممانعت‌ كردن