پاسخ به:با کلمه نفر قبلی جمله بساز
God in the open
با سلام و عرض ادب
لطف کنید و با کلمه کاربر قبلی جمله بسازید و کلمه جدیدی را هم ذکر کنید .
با تشکر
مدیر تالار زبان انگلیسی و زیر تالار ها
The ring has a large diamond in it
David has brought a pearl necklace for his wife
Intelligence derives from the Latin verb intelligere .
next word : God
Talking to God is like talking to a friend on the phone; we may not see the other party, but we know that he is listening
Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened
Buggy the Clown, an antagonist in the One Piece manga/anime series
next word : money
sometimes money can solve problems but money can‛t bring happiness always .f
the feeling friendship is the biggest gift of GOD to us
next word :luxury
الهی داغ محبتت را بر دل هر که نهادی
The God's luxuries are more than our think.
Next word:lost
I lost my heart in his hsnd!
next word: word
تنها امید خلق جهان یابن فاطمه ای منتهای آرزوی اولیاء بیا
بالا گرفته ایم برایت دو دست را ای مرد مستجاب قنوت و دعا بیا
برای ظهورش صلوات........ اللهم صل علی محمد و ال محمد و عجل فرجهم
one of the most beautiful and meaningful words in world is mother
next word :debate
.I personally dont have a state in that debate
next word : history