The owner of a Fort Pierce, Fla., pizzeria said he was surprised to hear his recent world record for the longest line of pizzas may have already been broken.

Scott Van Duzer and about a dozen volunteers at his Big Apple Pizza and Pasta restaurant made 722 pizzas and lined   them   up end to end, creating a line of pizzas 722 feet 1 inch long, the Palm Beach (Fla.) Post reported .

The May 17 feat, which the restaurant owner said was designed to draw attention to his Van Duzer Foundation for families struck by tragedy, was certified by the Guinness Book of World Records.

However, Italian cruise ship company Costa Cruises said 826 freshly cooked pizzas created a 725-foot line at a Sunday event in Sydney.

"Records are made to break," Van Duzer said. "But I was anticipating it to last a little longer than three weeks."

Van Duzer said he and his team still have one victory to celebrate -- their event raised about $8,600 for a firefighter whose home was destroyed by a wildfire, while the Sydney event raised only $5,000.

"At least we beat 'em there," Van Duzer said.


Line up   /verb/:     form a line      به صف در آوردن

Destroy /verb/:       demolish, ruinخراب‌ كردن‌، ويران‌ كردن 


Cruise /noun/:     cruising, sailing, traveling on a ship   سفر دريايي‌، گشت‌ زدن‌


Anticipate /verb/:         expect, predict; precede پيش‌ بيني‌ كردن‌، انتظار داشتن‌


Victory /noun/:       triumph over an opponent; instance of defeating an opponentپيروزي