Iran's women inventors have received 23 medals at the Korea International Women's Invention Exposition, coming at the top of the list.

Bagging 12 gold medals, 5 silver and 6 bronze, Iranian women inventors gained the first place among 25 countries participating at the international event.


Inventor/noun/:   one who invents   مخترع‌

Exposition/noun/:    public exhibition, show; clarification نمايشگاه‌

Bag/verb/:   put in a bag, put in a pouch; capture, catch   حمل کردن  

Participate/ verb/:    partake, join in, being involved سهيم شدن در،شريک شدن ،شرکت کردن

Event/noun /:    occurrence, happening; competition   رويداد، رخداد

Gained/past tense of the gain/:  acquire; earn; add; purchase كسب‌ كردن‌، نائل‌ شدن‌، رسيدن