اصطلاحات کاربردی با face

کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : آبان 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 10557
محل سکونت : اصفهان

اصطلاحات کاربردی با face




معنی فارسی

معنی انگلیسی



That remark was a real slap in the face.


an insult; a rejection.

a slap in the face


Absolute happiness was all over her face.

رنگ رخساره خبر می دهد از سر درون

showing what you think of something by your expression

all over your face



Don't just accept her offer at face value. Think of the implications.

از نظر ظاهری

from outward appearance; from what something first appears to be.

at face value


Mary: Sally, you look just terrible! What happened? Sally: Bag it! Mary: Sorry I asked! Bill: Did I ever tell you about the time I went to Germany? Sue: Give it a rest, Bill. Bag it! Sue: Can I borrow your car again? Mary: Bag your face, Sue! Sue: Well, I never!

ببند دهنتو!

Be quiet!; Shut up and go away!

Bag it!

 and Bag your face!


There's no doubt that he's interested in her. It's as plain as the nose on your face.

روشن و واضح بودن

to be very obvious

be as plain as the nose on your face



You'll be laughing out of the other side of your face if you fail your exams.

این اصطلاح وقتی استفاده میشه که یه نفر خوشحاله و شما بهش میگید که خوشحال نباش چون بعدش باید گریه کنی.

if you say someone who is happy will be laughing on the other side of their face, you are angry about the thing that is making them happy and think that something will soon happen to upset them

be laughing on the other side of your face



شنبه 28 فروردین 1395  10:26 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : آبان 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 10557
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به:اصطلاحات کاربردی با face

اصطلاحات کاربردی با face قسمت دوم



معنی فارسی

معنی انگلیسی



All my plans blew up in my face. It is terrible for your life to get ruined and blow up in your face.

نقش بر آب شدن

to get ruined while someone is working on it.

blow up in someone's face


Sir, I have never done these things of which you accuse me; they are bold-faced lies, and nothing more.

دروغ واضحی که نیاز به اثبات نداره

A blatantly obvious and/or impudent untruth, one in which the liar does not attempt to disguise his or her mendacity

bold-faced lie


It was so dark that I couldn't see my hand in front of my face.

عدم توانایی دیدن مخصوصا در شب و مه

unable to see very far, usually due to darkness or fog.

can't see one's hand in front of one's face


I gotta get some kind of medicine for these pimples. I’m getting to be a regular crater-face.

کسی که صورتش پراز جوشه

a person with acne or many acne scars.



If you do that, you'll end up with egg on your face.

خجالت و شرمندگی

Embarrassment; humiliation

egg on (one's) face



Losing the championship match was a real kick in the face, but I knew I just had to train even harder and try again next year.

شکست بد

A thoroughly devastating or disappointing setback or failure.

a kick in the face



شنبه 28 فروردین 1395  10:27 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : آبان 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 10557
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به:اصطلاحات کاربردی با face

اصطلاحات کاربردی با face قسمت سوم



معنی انگلیسی

معنی فارسی



Bag your face!

You are so in the way! Bag your face!

ببند دهنتو!

You are so in the way! Bag your face!


blue in the face

pale from exhaustion or exertion.

از حال رفتن

I laughed until I was blue in the face.


be staring somebody in the face

if an unpleasant experience is staring you in the face, it is very likely to happen to you

خطر یا اتفاقی که ممکنه برای کسی پیش بیاد

With only one day's supply of water left, death was staring him in the face.


be just a pretty face

To be physically attractive but lack any distinguishing achievements, intelligence, abilities, or other personal characteristics.

تیپ و قیافه داشتن ولی هوش و هنر و زکاوت نداشتن

Tiffany might be popular because of her looks now, but once we're out of college she's going to be just a pretty face.


a long face

if you have a long face, you look sad

ناراحت و غمگین بودن

'Why've you got such a long face?' 'My boyfriend doesn't want to see me any more.'



Having a corpulent, clean-shaven face, likened to that of a pig

کسی که یه مو رو صورتش نیست.

These bacon-faced magistrates, puffed up with their own self-importance, grow fat off the hard work of the poor


یک شنبه 29 فروردین 1395  11:41 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : آبان 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 10557
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به:اصطلاحات کاربردی با face

اصطلاحات کاربردی با face قسمت چهارم



معنی انگلیسی

معنی فارسی



butter face

a very ugly woman; a woman with everything just right but her face.

زن بد قیافه

Nice shape, but she’s a butterface.


eat face

to kiss [someone] deeply.

بوس خیلی محکم

There were some kids eating face over in the corner.


face card

an important person; a self-important person.

آدم خیلی مهم

Who’s the face card getting out of the benz?


(let's) face it

Accept a fact

حقیقت رو قبول کردن

Let's face it, he was a big hunk of a man and a good-looking guy.


fall (flat) on one's face

to fail miserably, usually in a performance.

گند زدن، خراب کردن اجرا

She was terrible in the play. She fell flat on her face. The whole play fell on its face.


come face to face with somebody

to suddenly meet someone by chance

یک دفعه یه نفر رو دیدن

As I was going into the restaurant, I came face to face with my ex-husband who was just leaving.


یک شنبه 29 فروردین 1395  11:43 AM
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