چند حکمت از نهج البلاغه
جمعه 10 دی 1389 3:43 AM
Amir al-Muminin, peace be upon him, said:
The sin that displeases you is better in the view of Allah than the virtue which makes you proud.
و درود خدا بر او فرمود:
گناهي كه تو را بهتر از كار نيكي است كه تو را به خودپسندي وا دارد.
The worth of a man is according to his courage, his truthfulness is according to his balance of temper, his valour is according to his self-respect and his chasteness is according to his sense of shame.
ارزش مرد به اندازه ي همت اوست، و راستگويي او به ميزان جوانمرديش ، و شجاعت او به قدري ننگي است كه احساس مي كند ، و پاكدامني او به اندازه ي غيرت اوست .
Victory is by determination; determinations is by the turning over of thoughts, and thoughts are formed by guarding secrets.
پيروزي در دورانديشي ، و دورانديشي در بكارگيري صحيح انديشه و انديشه صحيح به رازداري است.
Fear the attack of a noble person when he is hungry and that of an ignoble person when he is satiated.
از يورش بزرگوار به هنگام گرسنگي ، و از تهاجم انسان پست به هنگام سيري ، بپرهيز