English Poems!

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تاریخ عضویت : مهر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 266
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:English Poems!
دوشنبه 5 اسفند 1387  2:05 PM

            C o l o r s O f O u r L i f e


by Lisa Winn


Our lives are filled with color from the start,
and Red is the love that comes from our hearts .
Blue is the sadness that drips from our eyes,
Black is the evil that makes us tell lies.

Green is the shade of jealousy and rage ,
and Grey is the hair that comes with old age .
Purple is the mood most misunderstood,
but White is the color that Makes Us Feel Good.

Life is full of meaningful colors,
But Especially
White .
So hold on to it tight.

تو بین منتظران هم، عزیز من چه غریبی!

 عجیب تر که چه آسان نبودنت شده عادت، چه بیخیال نشستیم؛ نه کوششی نه وفایی!

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