!!!...Think over this

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : تیر 1392 
تعداد پست ها : 700

پاسخ به:!!!...Think over this
چهارشنبه 6 شهریور 1392  12:14 AM

؟؟؟!!!...How about him


؟؟؟!!!Tired of pleasuring yourself from playing games


؟؟؟!!!...How about him



؟؟؟!!!And nothing else to do 


؟؟؟!!!...How about them


Always remember this :
 When you complain about your life , there are people out there struggling to be “you”. Also , while you complain about the little wrongs of your food , there are many out there starving for a scrap of bread. Therefore , find happiness in who you are and appreciate what you have. 


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" او جمال یوسف زهرا ندید و رفت... "


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تشکرات از این پست
a_sadri salma57
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