دانلود مجموعه داستان های صوتی به زبان انگلیسی

کاربر طلایی3
تاریخ عضویت : دی 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 4296
محل سکونت : بوشهر

Pilgrims Progress - By:John Bunyan
دوشنبه 22 آبان 1391  2:22 PM




Runtime: 7 Hours and 56 min

Translated into over 100 languages, The Pilgrim's Progress is one of the most famous classics of literature. It is an allegorical novel, describing a Christian's journey through life to reach heaven. Part 1 was written by John Bunyan in 1679 whilst he was imprisoned for conducting unauthorized religious services, whilst Part 2 was not written until 1684, and is not included in many versions of this text. This recording includes both parts, and inline scripture references. (Summary by Joy Chan)


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*** ارزش انسان به تعداد خدمتکاران او نیست، بلکه به تعداد کسانی است که او به آنها خدمت می کند. ***




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