برنامه بررسی صحت پسوورد
جمعه 28 مهر 1391 2:22 PM
سلام دوستان این برنامه یه رمزی رو که از قبل براش تعریف شده رو با پسووردی که کاربر وارد می کنه بررسی می کنه و اگه صحت داشته باشه بهش پیغام میده
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include <conio.h> /* needed for getch() */
#include <cstring> /* needed for strcmp() */
void main()
char RealPass[20] = "amazonpup"; /* the actual password */
char input = '\0';
int pass;
int p = 0;
int c = 0;
while( c == 0 ) /* keep trying until correct password is entered */
char Password[20] = { '\0' };
cout << "Password: ";
for(p = 0;p < 19;p++)
input = getch(); /* get character entered */
if( input != '\r' && input != '\b' )
if( isprint( input ) != 0 )
Password[p] = input; /* store input in Password */
if( iscntrl( input ) == 0 )
cout << "*"; /* print '*' instead of input */
else if( input == '\r' ) /* if input = 'return' then */
break; /* break out of for() statment */
else if( input == '\b' ) /* if input = 'backspace' then */
if( p > 0 ) /* Make sure that the 'password' prompt is not deleted */
cout << '\b' << " " << '\b'; /* erase the last '*' */
Password[p] = '\0'; /* overwrite last character with '\0' */
pass = strcmp( RealPass, Password ); /* compare strings */
if( pass != 0 )
cout << "\a\n\n\tLogin Unsuccessful!\n" << endl;
else if( pass == 0 )
cout << "\n\n\tLogin Successful!\n" << endl;
cout << "Password entered: " << Password << endl;
if( p == 19 ) /* indicates too many characters were entered */
cout << "\a\n\nTo many characters entered!"
<< "\nPlease try again." << endl;
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