سه شنبه 1 شهریور 1390 2:43 AM
In English, it is often necessary to use an article in front of a noun. There are two kinds of article: the definite article the, and the indefinite article a or an. In order to speak or write English well, it is important to know how articles are used. When deciding whether or not to use an article, and which kind of article to use, you should ask the following questions:
Is the noun countable or uncountable?
Singular countable nouns always need an article or another determiner like my, this etc. Other nouns can sometimes be used alone. You can see below which articles can be used with which type of noun:
the + singular countable nouns the bag, the apple
plural countable nouns the bags, the apples
uncountable nouns the water, the information
a/an + singular countable nouns a bag, an apple
no article + plural countable nouns (some) bags, (some) apples
or some uncountable nouns (some) water, (some) information
The dictionary shows you when nouns are countable [C] or uncountable [U]. Nouns which are labeled [C,U] can be either countable or uncountable, depending on the context. The examples below show how articles can be used with countable and uncountable nouns:
butterfly [C]
The butterfly is an insect.
The butterflies on that bush are very rare.
She caught a butterfly in her net.
There were some butterflies in the tree.
The park was full of butterflies.
pizza [C,U]
The pizza [C] we ordered was delivered two hours later.
The pizzas [C] were cold when they arrived.
The piece of pizza [U] that’s still in the box is stale.
We’d like a pizza [C] with pepperoni and extra cheese.
There are still some pizzas [C] in the freezer.
I’ll just make some pizza [U] for supper.
They make really good pizzas [C] at Gino’s.
I could eat pizza [U] every day.
information [U]
The information they gave us was wrong.
We’d like some information about hotels.
What we really need is information.
Note that most proper nouns, like Susan, Boston, and Canada, do not usually have an article:
Susan’s traveling through Boston next week, on her way to Canada.
However, the is usually used with names of rivers (the Colorado River), oceans (the Pacific), groups of mountains (the Andes), deserts (the Gobi Desert), museums and theaters (the Playhouse), and hotels (the Ritz Hotel). It is also used with the names of a few countries, especially those whose names contain a common countable noun, such as the People’s Republic of China.
Are you talking about things or people in general?
When nouns appear in general statements, they can be used with different articles, depending on whether they are countable or uncountable.
In general statements, countable nouns can be used
in the plural without an article:
Elephants have tusks.
I like elephants.
in the singular with the:
The elephant is a magnificent animal.
He is studying the elephant in its natural habitat.
in the singular with a/an:
An elephant can live for a very long time.
Note that a/an can only be used in this way if the noun is the grammatical subject of the sentence.
In general statements, uncountable nouns are always used
without an article:
Photography is a popular hobby.
She’s interested in photography.
Water is essential to life.
Are you talking about particular things or people?
Nouns are more often used with a particular meaning. Particular meanings can be definite or indefinite, and they need different articles accordingly.
Both countable and uncountable nouns are definite in meaning when the speaker and the hearer know exactly which people or things are being referred to. For example, the definite article the is used
when the noun has already been mentioned:
I saw a man and a woman in the street. The man looked very cold.
I took her some paper and a pencil, but she said she didn’t need the paper.
when it is clear from the situation which noun you mean:
Can you pass me the salt, please? (= the salt on the table)
I’m going to the store for some fruit (= the store I always go to).
when the words following the noun explain exactly which noun you mean:
I just talked to the man from across the street (= not just any man).
The information that you gave me was wrong (= not just any information).
when the person or thing is the only one that exists:
I’m going to travel around the world (= there is only one world).
Nouns can also be used with a particular meaning without being definite. For example, in the sentence I met a man in a bar, the speaker is talking about one particular man (not all men in general), but we do not know exactly which man.
Singular countable nouns with an indefinite meaning are used with the indefinite article, a/an:
Would you like a cup of coffee?
She’s an engineer.
When their meaning is indefinite, plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns are used with some or any, or sometimes with no article:
I think you owe me some money.
Do you have any money on you?
We need some matches.
We don’t have any milk.
Would you like some coffee?
Would you like coffee, tea, or orange juice?
(For more information about the uses of some and any, see Usage Note at some.)
Does the noun follow a special rule for the use of articles?
The dictionary will tell you if a noun is always used with a particular article.
For example:
Nouns describing people or things which are considered to be the only ones of their kind are used with the.
Big Ap·ple n. INFORMAL the Big Apple a name for New York City
Some nouns are used with different articles when they have different meanings. (The entry tells you that backbone in its first meaning is always used with the.)
back·bone n. 1 the backbone of sth the most important part of an organization, set of ideas etc.: The cocoa industry is the backbone of Ghana’s economy. 2 [C] the row of connected bones that go down the middle of your back; SPINE 3 [U] courage and determination: Stuart doesn’t have the backbone to be a good manager.
Some nouns are never used with the.
god n.1 God [singular, not with the] the spirit or BEING whom Christians, Jews, and Muslims believe created the universe, and to whom they pray
Nouns in some common expressions, such as in/to the hospital, use the.
hos·pi·tal n. [C,U] a large building where sick or injured people are taken care of and receive medical treatment: Elena had the surgery on Friday and was in the hospital for a week. | Ramon was admitted to the hospital on Tuesday.
In some common expressions with prepositions, such as on foot, go home, go to school, by plane, at noon, the nouns do not use the article.
car n. [C] 1a vehicle with four wheels and an engine, that you use to travel from one place to another: Cars were parked on both sides of the road. | You can take my car to work today if you need to. | We decided to go across the U.S. by car