به چشمهایت اعتماد کن نه به گوشهایت

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 347
محل سکونت : سمنان

به چشمهایت اعتماد کن نه به گوشهایت
شنبه 20 تیر 1388  1:12 PM

Trust Your Eyes, Not Your Ears
به چشمهایت اعتماد کن نه به گوشهایت


Who says you can't believe everything you read? Previous research has shown that people tell lies in about a quarter of all their daily interactions, but a new study at America's Cornell University has found that we're more likely to lie during a phone conversation than in an e-mail exchange, mainly because e-mails leave a record.
Professor Jeff Hancock asked 30 subjects to keep a communications diary for a week, confessing every time they told a lie. He found that lies made up a whopping 37% of phone conversations and 27% of chats in person, but just 21% of instant messaging and 14% of e-mails. "Most day-to-day lies emerge spontaneously in conversation," he says, "whereas e-mails are more planned."

Interaction/n./: mutual action, reciprocal action
Confess/v./: admit (guilt, etc.); declare faith in
Instant/adj./: immediate, instantaneous, quick; urgent, pressing
Whopping/adj./: enormous, very large
Spontaneously/adv./: in a spontaneous manner; naturally, instinctively
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