سورس برنامه مربع جادویی در C++
دوشنبه 20 تیر 1390 12:41 PM
مربع جادویی: مربع جادویی یه ماتریس n * n هست که اعضای آن اعداد 1 , 2 , 3 , ... , n هستند که هر کدام یک بار تکرار شده و مجموع سطرها ، ستون ها و قطرهایش برابر است. مثل مربع جادویی 5*5 :
15 8 1 24 17
16 14 7 5 23
22 20 13 6 4
3 21 19 12 10
9 2 25 18 11
این برنامه، یک عدد بین 3 تا 160 را از ورودی گرفته و مربعات جادویی آن را نشان میدهد ...
/***************************************************************************/ /* < << MAGIC SQUARE >> > */ /* Sepehr Mohammad (SepehrM.com) */ /***************************************************************************/ #define SIZE 160 /* Consider a memory for increasing the size. */ #include "stdio.h" #include "stdlib.h" #include "conio.h" int m[SIZE][SIZE]; void odd_num(int n); void even_num(int n); void output(int n); void _swap(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2); main() { int i,j,n; char *s=" "; printf("\n***************************************************************************"); printf("\n* < < < MAGIC SQUARE > > > *"); printf("\n* by: SepehrM.com *"); printf("\n***************************************************************************"); while(1) { printf("\n\n\n:-) Input the number(3-%d): ",SIZE); gets(s); n=atoi(s); if(n < 3 || n > SIZE) break; if(n%2) odd_num(n); else even_num(n); output(n); } printf("\n\n* .. Quit .. . [[ < MAGIC SQUARE > ]] . .. *\n\n\n"); } void odd_num(int n) { int i,j,num=1; int nn=n*3/2; for(i=0; i < n; i++) for(j=0; j < n; j++) m[(j-i+nn)%n][(i*2-j+n)%n]=num++; } void even_num(int n) { int i,j,num=1; int nminus=n-1,nmiddle=n/2,nn=n*n+1; int osl=0; int switch_row[2]; int last_switch_column; int first_block=(n-2)/4,second_block=nminus-first_block; int first_inside=n/4,second_inside=nminus-first_inside; for(j=0; j < n; j++) for(i=0; i < n; i++) { if(i >= first_inside && i <= second_inside && j >= first_inside && j <= second_inside) m[i][j]=num; else if((i > first_block && i < second_block) || (j > first_block && j < second_block)) m[i][j]=nn-num; else m[i][j]=num; num++; } if(!(n%4)) return; switch_row[0]=random(nmiddle-1)+first_block+1; switch_row[1]=random(nmiddle-1); if(switch_row[1] >= first_block) switch_row[1]+=(nmiddle+1); last_switch_column=random(nmiddle-1); if(last_switch_column >= first_block) last_switch_column+=(nmiddle+1); /* Simply, you can write as follows.. switch_row[0]=nmiddle; switch_row[1]=0; last_switch_column=0; */ for(i=0; i < nmiddle; i++) { if(i==first_block || i==second_block) { osl=1-osl; continue; } _swap(second_block, i, second_block, nminus-i); _swap(i, first_block, nminus-i, first_block); _swap(i, second_block, nminus-i, second_block); _swap(i, switch_row[osl], nminus-i, switch_row[osl]); } for(i=first_block+1; i < second_block; i++) { _swap(first_block, i, second_block, i); _swap(i, first_block, i, second_block); } _swap(first_block, nmiddle, second_block, nmiddle); _swap(last_switch_column, first_block, last_switch_column, second_block); } void output(int n) { int i,j,ch,err=0; unsigned long sum,sl,sc,sd1=0,sd2=0; sum=(unsigned long)n*(n*n+1)/2; printf(";-) SUM = %lu. * ..check sum... . . ",sum); for(j=0; j < n; j++) { sd1+=m[j][j]; sd2+=m[j][n-j-1]; sl=0; sc=0; for(i=0; i < n; i++) { sl+=m[i][j]; sc+=m[j][i]; } if(sl!=sum) { err++; printf("\n> Sum of the row-(%d) is %lu. It's incorrect..",j+1,sl); } if(sc!=sum) { err++; printf("\n> Sum of the column-(%d) is %lu. It's incorrect..",j+1,sc); } } if(sd1!=sum) { err++; printf("\n> Sum of the diagonal-(\\) is %lu. It's incorrect..",j+1,sd1); } if(sd2!=sum) { err++; printf("\n> Sum of the diagonal-(/) is %lu. It's incorrect..",j+1,sd2); } if(err) printf("\n\n* %d errors are happened.",err); else printf("- O.K. -"); printf("\n\n:-? Do you want to display(Y/n)? "); ch=getch(); if(ch=='n' || ch=='N') return; printf("\n---+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); for(j=0; j < n; j++) { printf("\n%2d)] ",j+1); for(i=0; i < n; i++) printf("%4d,",m[i][j]); } printf("\n---+---------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } void _swap(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2) { int k; k=m[i1][j1]; m[i1][j1]=m[i2][j2]; m[i2][j2]=k; } //end
***به بهشت نمی روم اگر مــــــادرم آنجا نباشد***
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