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تاریخ عضویت : اردیبهشت 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 2352
محل سکونت : اصفهان

Cebas FinalRender R3.5 SE SP2 for 3DSMAX 2011/2010/2009 Win32/Win64 | 75.07 MB
پنج شنبه 25 فروردین 1390  10:52 AM


Cebas FinalRender R3.5 SE SP2 for 3DSMAX 2011/2010/2009 Win32/Win64 | 75.07 MB

Firstly as a standard version (finalRender R3) targeted to the mainstream user base, while the other version, called the Studio Edition (finalRender R3 SE for short), is the perfect choice for bigger production houses and advanced users seeking the maximum in quality and flexibility. Both products use the same rock solid and Hollywood production proven rendering core and rendering results (when not using any of the advanced features of R3 SE) will be identical between the two versions. Check out the SE Comparison feature page to learn more about the differences.


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