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تاریخ عضویت : اردیبهشت 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 2352
محل سکونت : اصفهان

Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics 2012 (Build 2012.00.00.0163) x32/x64 - ISZ | 1.68 Gb
چهارشنبه 10 فروردین 1390  10:01 AM


Autodesk Simulation Multiphysics 2012 (Build 2012.00.00.0163) x32/x64 - ISZ | 1.68 Gb

Autodesk Simulation provides a large set of engineering analysis tools, which enables designers and engineers already in the initial stage of the design cycle mechanism, site, or the details get close to exact product specifications. And along with it - to improve design, increase reliability, reduce time and cost of production, as well as to facilitate interaction between the different actors involved in product design.

The following types of engineering analysis can be performed:

- Static stress and fatigue strength;
- The dynamic loads in the linear region of deformation of materials;
- Natural frequencies (modal analysis);
- Range of reactions;
- Fixed and random vibration;
- Stability analysis;
- Shock;
- Contact analysis;
- Stationary and time-varying heat transfer and heat transfer;
- Steady and unsteady flow;
- Flow in porous media;
- Flow in open channels;
- Mass transfer;
- Electrostatics.

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