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شنبه 6 تیر 1388 10:38 AM
Are We Alone?
آیا ما تنهاییم؟
Stephen Hawking believes there could be life in other parts of our galaxy.
Because of the size of the universe, it is unlikely that life exists only on Earth, the famous scientist said.
Hawking thinks that this life probably exists in a primitive form.
world, cosmos, creation, nature عالم وجود، گيتي، جهان، كيهان
غير محتمل
expert in a particular branch of science عالم، دانشمند
Probably /adverb/:
almost certainly, very likelyمحتملا، شايد
old, ancient; primeval, from prehistoric times پيشين، قديم، اوليه، اصلي