چقدر عمر خواهید کرد؟

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تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 347
محل سکونت : سمنان

چقدر عمر خواهید کرد؟
سه شنبه 26 خرداد 1388  9:28 AM

So, how long will you live?
چقدر عمر خواهید کرد؟

 WE'RE all going to live longer. Or so the experts tell us. In fact, everybody has the biological capacity to live until they are 100 and collect that telegram from the Queen.

But whether we make the century depends not only on how we treat our bodies but how we live, how we love, how we eat and how we earn. Doctors and insurance companies have devised a set of questions to fix the life expectancy of their patients and clients. What they ask will intrigue and surprise you.

The average lifespan in England and Wales is 69 9 for men, and 76 for women and just slightly lower in Scotland and Northern Ireland. So play the life expectancy game. Start with the number 72 and add or subtract according to your answers. Don't worry if the total is not as high as you'd like... just adjust that lifestyle and you'll make 100!



If you are male, subtract 3. If female, add 4.

If you live in an urban area with a population over half a million, subtract 2.

If you live in a town of under 10,000, add 2.

If any grandparent lived to 85, add 2.

If all four grandparents lived, to 80, add 6.

If either parent died of a stroke or heart attack before the age of 50, subtract 4.

If any, parent, brother or sister under 50 has (or had) cancer or a heart condition, or has had diabetes since childhood, subtract 3.

Do you earn more than £25,000 a year`? Subtract 2.

If you finished university, add L If you have a graduate or professional degree, add 2 more. If you arc 63 or over and still working, add 3. If you live with a spouse or friend, add 5. If not, subtract I for every ten years alone since 25.



If you work behind a desk, subtract 3.

If your work requires physical labour, add 3.

If you exercise strenuously (tennis, running, swimming, etc) five times a week for at least half an hour, add 4. Two or three times a week, add 2. Do you sleep more than 10 hours each night? Subtract 4. Are you intense, aggressive? Subtract 3. Are you easy-going and relaxed? Add 3. Are you happy? Add 1. Unhappy? Subtract 2.

Have you been booked for speeding in the last year? Subtract l . Do you smoke more than two packets of cigarettes a day? Subtract 8. One to two packets'? Subtract 6. One half to one

packet? Subtract 3.

Are you overweight by 50 lbs or more? Subtract 8. By 30 to 50 Ibs? Subtract 4. By 10 to 30 Ibs? Subtract 2. If you are a man over 40 and have annual check-ups, add 2. If you are a woman and see a gynaecologist once a year, add 2. If you prefer simple food,vegetables and fruit to richer, meatier fatty food, and if you always stop eating before you're full, add 1.



If you are between 30 and 40, add 2. If you are between 40 and 50, add 3. If you are between 50 and 70, add 4. If you are over 70, add 5.

Add up your score for your life expectancy

The questionnaire is adapted from the book Lifegain, written by Robert F Allen and Shirley Linde and published in the USA.

Conversion table

10 lbs = 4.5 kg 30 lbs = 13.5 kg 50 lbs = 22.5 kg

Expert/noun/: person skilled in a particular area متخصص

  Expectancy /noun/:   hope, anticipation احتمال،انتظار

Lifespan/noun/:   number of years that an animal or plant is expected to live طول عمر

Subtract /verb/:  take away part of a whole, remove, deduct     كاستن‌، تفريق‌ كردن

Adjustment /noun/:   adjusting, adaptation; state of being adjusted   تعديل‌، تنظيم
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