چرا اسید دستان شما را می سوزاند ؟

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 347
محل سکونت : سمنان

چرا اسید دستان شما را می سوزاند ؟
دوشنبه 31 فروردین 1388  12:28 PM

Why acid can burn your hands?
چرا اسید دستان شما را می سوزاند ؟
Some acids burn because they have a strong tendency to absorb water. In the

process,they give off a lot of heat. Since most living cells contain water, the strong acids

react whit them and kill the cells, causing very serious burns. Hydrochloric acid,

sulphuric acid and nitric acid are all very strong and very dangerous. These are called

inorganic acids since they are made from non-living material. Most organic acids, or

acids which occur naturally, are relatively weak. Vinegar and lemon juice are organic


People handling acids in industry wear special clothing and eye protection. If you handle

acids in your chemistry laboratory, you too should be careful. If water and acid are to

be mixed, you must pour the acid slowly into water and never the water into acid.

If acid splashes on your skin, wash with water and then with a weak ammonia solution.

If your eyes are affected, flush them with water and then with a soda bicarbonate


tendency :
inclination, leaning, partiality گرايش‌، تمايل‌

react :
respond, act in response to a stimulus; answer, reply واکنش نشان دادن

inorganic :
not organic, inanimate, not having the structure and composition of living

organisms  غير الى ،معدنى

occur :
happen, take place, transpire; come to mind, suggest

itself رخ دادن ،اتفاق افتادن

splashes :
 dash a liquid, spatter, spray; wet or mark by spattering with a liquid; move

through a liquid and scatteror dash it about; be spattered; mark with contrasting

colors; display ,conspicuously  ترشح‌ كردن‌, ريختن‌

soda :
soda water, carbonated water; sweet carbonated beverage; drink made with

soda water combined with syrup and ice cream; any of a number of sodium

compounds; sodium   قليا،جوش شيرين,
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