دانستنی های سوره هود

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تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1398 
تعداد پست ها : 2

پاسخ به:دانستنی های سوره هود
پنج شنبه 7 آذر 1398  2:06 PM

The third verse of the surah Fatihah pays homage to Allah as the Master of the Day of Judgment. The phrase Master of the day of Requital implies the total mastery on the Day of Requital, This phrase makes a general reference to cover everything, it is also said that on the Day of judgment the mastery over everything that exists will belong to Allah Alone. This is just a brief explanation of some verses of first chapter Surah E Fatiha if you want to know the hidden treasure of knowledge read Quran Tafseer.

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