گرامر انگلیسی از پایه تا پیشرفته

کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : آبان 1388 
تعداد پست ها : 10557
محل سکونت : اصفهان

پاسخ به:گرامر انگلیسی از پایه تا پیشرفته
شنبه 20 شهریور 1395  5:44 PM

حروف اضافه (prepositions)


 اولین مطلبی که در مورد حرف اضافه باید بدونید اینه که حروف اضافه اسمها و ضمایر و عبارات در یک جمله رو به سایر قسمتهای جمله مرتبط میکنندبه مثالها توجه کنید :

The pencil is ON the desk.

The pencil is BENEATH the desk.

The pencil is leaning AGAINST the desk.

The pencil is on the floor BESIDE the desk.

He held the pencil OVER the desk.

He wrote with the pencil DURING class.

چند تا از قوانین مربوط به حروف اضافه :
یک جمله میتونه با حرف اضافه تموم شه.
حرف اضافه بعد از اسم قرار میگیره.
به هیچ عنوان بعد از فعل حرف اضافه نمیاد.
جمله میتونه با حرف اضافه هم شروع بشه ولی ولی وقتی استفاده میکنید خیلی باید به نکات گرامری توجه کنید.
Before going to the store, I always check my list
در جدول زیر تعدادی از حروف اضافه قرار داده شده :

aboard about above absent according to
across after against ahead of all over
along along side amid/amidst among around
as as of as to aside astride
at away from except bar barring
because of before behind below beneath
beside(s) between beyond but by
by the time of circa close by close to concerning
considering despite down due to during
except for excepting excluding failing for
from in in between in front of in spite of
in view of including inside instead of into
less like minus near near to
next to notwithstanding of off on
on top of onto opposite out out of
outside over past pending per
plus regarding respecting round save
saving similar to since than through
throughout till to toward(s) under
underneath unlike until unto up
upon versus via wanting while
with within without  



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