پاسخ به:•••کلکسیون باگ های وردپرس•••
یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1394 8:13 AM
# Exploit Title: Wordpress uCan Post plugin <= 1.0.09 Stored XSS # Dork: inurl:/wp-content/plugins/ucan-post/ # Date: 2012/01/18 # Author: Gianluca Brindisi (gATbrindi.si @gbrindisi http://brindi.si/g/) # Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/ucan-post.1.0.09.zip # Version: 1.0.09 1) You need permissions to publish a post from the public interface: The submission form is not well sanitized and will result in stored xss in admin pages: * Name field is not sanitized and it's injectable with a payload which will be stored in the pending submission page in admin panel POC: myname'"><script>window.alert(document.cookie)</script> * Email field is not sanitized but can it will check for a valid email address so the maximum result will be a reflected xss POC: my@mail.com'"><script>window.alert(document.cookie)</script> * Post Title is not sanitized and it's injectable with a payload which will be stored in the pending submissions page in admin panel POC: title'"><script>window.alert(document.cookie)</script>
ترکی زبان قربون صدقه رفتنه داریم که: گوزلرین گیلهسین قاداسین آلیم که یعنی درد و بلای مردمک چشات به جونم …!.