پاسخ به:غزل حافظ
جمعه 17 دی 1389 11:28 AM
The hermit has no need to watch the stage
Since Beloved is at home, no need for pilgrimage.
O soul you have a pact with the Divine,
Then ask how should I my life manage?
O King of goodness, I swear that I?m on fire
Then ask how this beggar should I manage?
I am the master of demands, yet my tongue is still
In your compassion to ask is an outrage.
No need to plot, if our blood you demand,
Our body is yours to take at any age.
Essence of the Beloved is the Holy Grail,
In expressing our needs, we need not engage.
I put up with the hardships of the sea
No need for the sea, once I earned my pearly wage.
No need to deal with fake prophets because
When friends are here, false claims disparage.
O begging lover, when Beloved?s life giving lips
Give their dutiful gifts, begging discourage.
Hafiz desist, for art self-radiates
Needless debate with fake artist and false sage
خـلوت گزیده را به تماشا چه حاجـت اسـت