سربارگذاری implicit & explicit
کد PHP:
using System;
namespace Overloding
class TimeHHMMSS
//001: Parts of the time class
public int m_hour;
public int m_minute;
public int m_sec;
//002: Default constructor for the class
public TimeHHMMSS()
m_hour = 0;
m_minute = 0;
m_sec = 0;
//003: Overloaded Construtor
public TimeHHMMSS(int hr, int min, int sec)
m_hour = hr;
m_minute = min;
m_sec = sec;
//004: Every class that we create has Object as the base class. Override the ToString
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("{0}:{1}:{2}", m_hour, m_minute, m_sec);
//005: Implicit Conversion Operator. Coversion from int to TimeHHMMSS
public static implicit operator TimeHHMMSS(int totalSeconds)
//005_1 : Declarations
int hour, min, seconds;
int RemainingSeconds;
TimeHHMMSS returnobject = new TimeHHMMSS();
//005_2: Calculate Seconds
seconds = totalSeconds % 60;
returnobject.m_sec = seconds;
//005_3: Calculate Minutes
RemainingSeconds = totalSeconds - seconds;
min = RemainingSeconds % ( 60 * 60 ); //Calculated minutes in terms of seconds
returnobject.m_minute = min / 60 ;
//005_4: Calculate Hours
RemainingSeconds = totalSeconds - ( returnobject.m_minute * 60 + returnobject.m_sec );
hour = RemainingSeconds % (60 * 60 * 24 ); // Hour in Seconds
returnobject.m_hour = hour / 3600;
return returnobject;
//006: Implicit Conversion Operator. Conversion from TimeHHMMSS to integer
public static implicit operator int(TimeHHMMSS time)
return (time.m_hour * 60 * 60) + (time.m_minute * 60 ) + time.m_sec ;
//007: Explicit Conversion Operator. Conversion from float to TimeHHMMSS.
public static explicit operator TimeHHMMSS(float totalSeconds) // We don't want to handle fraction in Seconds (Micro Sec or nano Sec stc)
TimeHHMMSS returnobject = new TimeHHMMSS();
returnobject = (int) totalSeconds; //Makes a call to implicit convertion : int->TimeHHMMSS
return returnobject;
//008: Operator Overloading +. Binary Operator.
public static TimeHHMMSS operator+ (TimeHHMMSS operandLH, TimeHHMMSS OperandRH)
//008_1: Get the Seconds and Add.
int totalSeconds, LHS_Seconds, RHS_Seconds;
LHS_Seconds = operandLH; //Implicit convertion: Time -> int
RHS_Seconds = OperandRH; //Implicit convertion: Time -> int
totalSeconds = LHS_Seconds + RHS_Seconds;
//008_2: Return the Seconds. Required return type is TimeHHMMSS,
// what we return is integer. Again one more implicit conevrtion in reverse
return totalSeconds; //Implicit convertion: int -> Time
static void Main(string[] args)
//Usage_000: Create the Time Class
TimeHHMMSS t1 = new TimeHHMMSS(0,20,10);
Console.WriteLine("The time is: {0}", t1.ToString());
//Usage_001: Implicit Conversion Operator[ int to Time ]
TimeHHMMSS t2 = new TimeHHMMSS();
t2 = 33175; //=> Implicit converion for int to Time Takes place
Console.WriteLine("The time is: {0}", t2.ToString());
//Usage_002: Implicit Convertion Operator[ Time to int ]
int timeinSeconds;
timeinSeconds = t2; //=> Implicit converion from Time to Integer Takes place
Console.WriteLine("The time {0} in Seconds (2)", t2.ToString(),timeinSeconds );
//Usage_003: Explicit Conversion Operator. [Here I am asking convert my float to an Time Object]
TimeHHMMSS t3 = (TimeHHMMSS) 23213.67f;
Console.WriteLine("The time is: {0}", t2.ToString());
//Usage_004_A: Overloaded + operator. [ Put a Break point here & Step-in. You will learn more]
// [Tag1] a) Time->int implicit for t1, t2. b) add two int c)return added int. int->Time implicit
TimeHHMMSS t4 = t1 + t2;
Console.WriteLine("The time is: {0}", t4.ToString());
//[Tag2] a) int->Time Conversion. Read the Comment [Tag1]
t4 = t4 + 4215;
Console.WriteLine("The time is: {0}", t4.ToString());
//a)Float->Time Conversion. Explicit. [Read Tag2]
t4 = t4 + (TimeHHMMSS) 54321.456f ;