ابزارها و کامپوننتهای وی بی دات نت

کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : اسفند 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 158652
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Planner.NET - .NET - V3.0
یک شنبه 20 اردیبهشت 1394  10:42 AM

What's New in V3.0?
  • A new view type, called Resource view, has been implemented
  • The Resource class implements a new general type of resources
  • Styles redesigned to support cascading propagation of style attributes
  • The timetable view can display cells with accuracy down to the second
  • CollapseResourceRow, ExpandResourceRow and IsResourceRowExpanded methods added
  • MinItemLength specifies the minimal length of user-created items
  • A new item editor added, allows modifying items description and header text
  • A new theme called Lila added
  • The Timetable view can be zoomed in or out
What's New in V2.0?
  • Custom editors and viewers can be associated with a class of schedule items
  • The orientation of timetable view can be set to horizontal or vertical
  • Extended support for tooltips
  • Custom data can be associated with schedule items
What's New in V1.2?
  • Grouping in week range view
  • Right-to-left reading order layout
  • Style property added to the Item and Appointment classes
  • CustomBrushes property added to the Contact, Location and Task classes
  • New overloaded GetAllItems method added to the Schedule class
  • RotateHeaderTexts property added to the DayRangeSettings class
  • ScrollInterval property added to the MonthRangeSettings class
  • Enable or disable multiple selection setting the Selection.AllowMultiple
  • DelayInplaceEdit property added to the Calendar class
  • FirstWeekendDay property added to the Calendar class

Planner.NET provides your applications with a rich set of calendar and scheduling features. With Planner.NET you can present task and appointments information during different time periods (hours, days, weeks and months) as well as recurrent appointments or show all engagements at a specific day or several consequent days. Planner.NET can display a schedule in several view types, such as:
  • A range of months, displaying several months in a grid, each of the months displaying its days in a smaller grid
  • A single month view, displaying the days of a month and allowing scrolling to previous or next month
  • A range of weeks, displaying days in a grid in which the days of a week occupy a single row
  • A range of days, displaying a single day on each row or column
  • A timetable view, displaying the allotment of resources to distinct hours of a day. The columns of this view can be grouped by location, task or contact
Planner.NET provides intuitive user-interaction model for creating or editing appointments and events in a schedule. In addition, its programmatic interface places at your disposal many useful functions, ranging from printing and XML serialization to displaying reminders and checking what occurrences of recurrent events happen in a specified time interval. The control has been tested with the most popular Dotnet (.NET) development environments and programming languages like CSharp, VB.NET or Delphi.NET. It can be used to create applications in Visual Studio .NET (VS.NET) C#‎, Visual Basic .NET (VB .NET) or Delphi .NET among others.

Planner.NET consists of three assemblies:
  • Schedule.dll assembly defines the schedule data model and implements the Schedule class which serves as a document in the document-view architecture. This assembly also defines classes such as Item and Appointment which represent individual events in the schedule
  • Calendar.NET.dll assembly implements several calendar and schedule view as part of the Calendar Windows Forms control class. All views are implemented in the same control to allow drilling down the schedule data simply by changing the views. Each view allow creating new schedule items in it by typing over a time cell. Schedule items can be moved around and resized to change their start time and duration
  • ScheduleStandardForms.dll implements several standard dialogs that allow creating and editing schedule data such as tasks, contacts and appointments. Planner.NET provides assemblies for versions 1.1 and 2.0 of the 

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