زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

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تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

slang words


dirt in bulls eye


Excellent, cool, the greatest, fashionable, attractive, or desirable - used by young people
عالی،خوب، معرکه، باحال، جذاب، بهترین

- That skateboard is so phat. It's the best I've ever seen!
این اسکیت خیلی باحاله. این بهترین اسکیتی هست که تا به حال دیدم

- a phat song
یک آهنگ توپ

- These shoes are just so phat.
این کفش ها خیلی معرکند

'Phat' is an African-American slang version of 'fat' which has become very popular in the last few years. The use of 'fat' to describe something that is good goes back to the 1500s, and derives from the idea that the fat in a cow's milk is the best part of it.

Synonyms: da bomb, cool
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:39 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

تسلیم شدن، سپر انداختن

Throw in the towel

: To quit. informal to admit that you have been defeated
تسلیم شدن، سپر انداختن

1) The company threw in the towel after losing all of its major customers.

2) Mike 'Boom Boom' DeNola threw in the towel after three rounds. He'll probably have to spend a few days in the hospital, followed by a long convalescence in Miami

3) I was ready to throw in the towel, but I stayed with it

.می خواستم تسلیم بشم اما طاقت آوردم.

4) He’s not a quitter, so he’s not going to throw in the towel.

ََA short conversation with Throw in the towel

A: "The boxing match is great."
B: "One guy is really getting beat up."
A: "Do you think he’s going to give up?"
B: "He’s not going to throw in the towel, they rarely do that these days."

Other Common Sentences

"There’s no chance for me to win. I’m calling it quits."
"I don’t think I can win, so I’m going to give up."
"I’d rather surrender than get the hell beaten out of me."

Etymology: This phrase comes from boxing. When a boxer is too beat up to continue, his coach throws a towel into the ring to signal that the fight is over

پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:40 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

خارج از فهم کسی، مشکل

Over one's head

Definition: Not comprehending; failing to understand the matter completely.

خارج از فهم کسی، مشکل


1) I think you have to explain your plan to me again--it just went right over my head.

2) "I don’t know the answer to that problem. The subject is over my head."

3) "Don’t bother explaining it to him. It’s way over his head."

A short conversation with Over one's head

A: "I have to write a paper on the theory of relativity. Do you know anything about it?"

B: "I won’t be able to help you. The theory of relativity is way over my head."

Other Common Sentences

"I don’t understand the meaning. It might be too deep for me."

"It’s beyond my comprehension, so don’t bother trying to explain it

پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:40 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

عهد بوق

Very old; out of date
عهد بوق


Definition: Very old; out of date; obsolete.


1) That cell phone you're using is a real dinosaur. When did you get it, 1983?

Etymology: A 'dinosaur' is an ancient animal that no longer exists.

Informally, it refers to anything that is outdated and no longer desirable

پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:40 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

سر به سر کسی گذاشتن

pull someone's leg

سر به سر کسی گذاشتن، کسی را دست انداختن،گول زدن،با کسی شوخی کردن


To deceive another; to lie to someone.


1) Stop pulling my leg, Maureen. You did not win a new car on that gameshow.

2) Elbert likes pulling his roommate's leg with his kung-fu stories.

3) You expect me to believe that? Stop pulling my leg.

تو توقع داری حرفت را باور کنم؟ برو خالی نبند.(برو خودت را مسخره کن)

4) I’m just kidding. I was just pulling your leg.

من دارم فقط شوخی می کنم. داشتم سر به سرت می گذاشتم.

5) I didn’t know you believed me. I was just pulling your leg.

نمی دانستم حرفام را باور کردی. من داشتم فقط سر به سرت می گذاشتم.

A shotr conversation with
pull someone's leg

A: "I was eating at a restaurant and this lady next to me started eating my food right in front of me."

B: "What? You can’t be serious. Nobody would ever do that."

A: You’re not gullible at all. I was trying to pull your leg

پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:41 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

چندش، مو به تن سیخ شدن

goose bumps

سفت شدن و دانه دانه شدن پوست در اثر سرما و ترس، چندش، مو به تن سیخ شدن
goose pimples و goose skin و goose bumps
هم می گویند


a condition in which the skin is raised up in small points because a person is cold or frightened


1) That film was so scary I had goose bumps the whole time.
آن فیلم خیلی ترسناک بود تمام مدت مو به تن من سیخ شده بود

2) Don't tell me you're getting goose bumps now--it's almost our turn to go on stage to perform.
به من نگو که الان از ترس مو به تنت سیخ شده-- الان تقریبا دیگه نوبت ماست که برای اجرا بریم رو صحنه.

3) seeing the corpse gave me goose flesh.
با دیدن جسد مو به تنم سیخ شد

4) When she told me that she loved me, I got goose bumps.

وقتی بهم گفت که دوستم داره مو به تنم سیخ شد.

5) I get goose bumps anytime I’m scared.

من هر وقت میترسم مو به تنم راست میشه

6) John told us a story and everyone got goose bumps.
جان به ما یک داستان گفت و همه مو به تنمون سیخ شد

A short conversation with goose bumps

A: "Did you watch the speech?"
B: "No, I missed it. Was it good?"
A: "It was so touching that I got goose bumps everywhere."

Other Common Sentences

"I was so inspired by the speech that I had a tingling sensation run across my body."

"I felt a jolt of excitement when I heard the good news."

"My arms were tingling when I heard that story."

ُُSynonym: goose pimples و goose skin و goose bumps
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:41 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه



A person who is scared easily; a cowardly individual.


1) Chris didn't surprise me when he ran away from the war zone, I always knew he was yellow.

2) He is too yellow to resist.
جرات مقاومت را ندارد

Synonyms : chicken
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:42 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه


Addicted; to like something so much that you need it every day.

1) I'm really hooked on the hamburgers at Junior's.

2) I really like Holly, my new girlfriend. After just two dates, I'm hooked!

3) she is hooked on classical music. او دیوانه/شیفته موسیقی کلاسیک است

4) I got hooked on TV when I was sick. من تو این مدتی که بیمار بودم به تلویزیون معتاد شدم.

Etymology( ریشه شناسی لغت):

A 'hook' is a curved if(منحنی) piece of metal used to catch something, like a fish hook(قلاب ماهیگیری).
if you are 'hooked' on something, it has caught you and won't let go. This term was originally (در ابتدا) used by drug addicts (معتاد ها) to describe the feeling of needing drugs(تزریق مواد مخدر), and now it used to describe anything that is so good that you want it every day

پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:42 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:44 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

couch potato

کدو تنبل


couch potato کدو تنبل

Definition: One who sits in front of the television for long periods of time,

with little or no physical activity.

یک نفر که مدام جلوی تلویزیون میشینه و هیچ کار دیگه ای نمی کنه


1) My roommate is such a couch potato -- last weekend he watched
television for 14 hours straight!

2) My husband is a couch potato. He sits in front of the TV all day long.

3) You have a huge belly because you’re a couch potato.

تو یه شکم گنده داری برای اینکه همش مثل کدو تنبل جلوی تلویزیون نشستی

4) I should be more active and less of a couch potato.

Etymology: ریشه
A 'potato' is a vegetable that just sits there, doing nothing.

Synonyms: sofa slug

A short dialog with couch potato

A: "James. We’re going to play basketball. Do you want to play?"
B: "No, I’m going to watch TV today."
A: "You did that all day yesterday. You better stop being a couch potato or you’re going to get a big fat belly."

Other Common Sentences
"Good luck trying to get his attention. He’s glued to the television
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:44 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه


Piece of cake

مثل آب خوردن راحت

Definition: Easily accomplished; not hard to do; requiring little effort.


1) It was a piece of cake to find this place because your directions
were so clear.

2) You won’t have any problems with it. It’s a piece of cake.
باهاش مشکلی نخواهی داشت. مثل آب خوردن راحت.

3) It’s not that difficult. Actually, it’s a piece of cake.
به اون سختی که فکر می کنی نیست، در خقیقت مثل آب خوردن می ماند.

4) Learning to type is a piece of cake. It just takes persistence.

5) Sociology 101 is a piece of cake. You should get an A in that class.

A short conversation with piece of cake

A: "I have an interview for citizenship tomorrow. Do you know what they ask?"

B: "The only questions they ask are in the manual they provide."

A: "Was it difficult?"

B: "Since all the questions and answers are already provided, it was a piece of cake."

Other Common Sentences

"My homework today was as easy as pie."

"The assignment was a breeze."

Synonyms: no sweat, cakewalk

پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:45 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه


keep an eye on
چشمت بهش باشه

To watch very carefully; to guard; to place under surveillance.

1) You have to keep an eye on those workers. One of them has been stealing french fries.
باید چشمت به این کارگرها باشد. یکی از آنها داشت سیب زمینی سرخ کرده می دزدید.

2) I'm going outside for a minute -- would you keep an eye on my books?
من دارم یک دقیقه می روم بیرون ممکن چشمت به کتابهام باشه؟

3) Can you keep an eye on my daughter while I go get the car?
ممکن چشمتون به دختر من باشه وقتی دارم می رم ماشین می گیرم.

4) Don’t worry about your baggage. I’ll keep an eye on it.
نگران چمدانهات نباش من چشم بهشون هست.

5) My mom will keep an eye on our equipment while we go get the car.

Etymology: Through your 'eyes' you see and understand the world, and when you 'keep an eye' on something, you constantly watch or monitor it to get a full understanding of what is happening.

A short conversation with
keep an eye on

A: "Excuse me sir."
B: "Yes."
A: "I have to go to the bathroom. Can you keep an eye on my suitcase for a minute?"
B: "No problem."

Other Common Sentences

"Can you watch my bag for me?"
"Can you watch my suitcase while I go to the bathroom
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:46 PM
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کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : بهمن 1389 
تعداد پست ها : 936
محل سکونت : تهران

پاسخ به:زبان كوچه بازاري- زبان عاميانه

fender bender


(American English informal)

a car accident in which little damage is done

تصادف جزئی


1) Herbert got into a fender bender while he was looking for a parking place.

2) I got in a small accident. It was just a fender-bender.

3) I got into a fender bender in the parking lot.

4) I can’t believe the damage is going to cost me 800 bucks. It was just a fender bender.

A short conversation with
fender bender

A: "I got into a car accident."

B: "That sucks. You didn’t get hurt did you?"

A: "No. It was just a fender bender."

Other Common Sentences

- It was a small accident.

- I rear ended him, but luckily there was no damage.


The 'fender' is the part of the car that covers the wheels. It can 'bend' or be dented or otherwise damaged when another car hits it, even at slow speeds
پنج شنبه 5 اسفند 1389  3:47 PM
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