خطای Heartbleed : چک کنید کدام سایت ها Patched شده اند !

کاربر طلایی1
تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1392 
تعداد پست ها : 5906
محل سکونت : خراسان رضوی

خطای Heartbleed : چک کنید کدام سایت ها Patched شده اند !
پنج شنبه 28 فروردین 1393  8:47 PM

در اینجا ما گزارشی داریم از ۱۰۰ سایت برتر جهان و چک کردیم که آیا آنها خطای Heatrbleed را حل کرده اند.

HeartBleed یک خطای جدی است ، که در کمتر از دو روز گذشته فاش شده است ، که وب سایت ها و خدمات اینترنتی را در سراسر جهان به حالت patched فرستاده است .
در اصل این خطا ussername و password را در سایتهایی مانند گوگل و یاهو و فیس بوک و … در معرض خطر قرار میدهد .

با استفاده از Alexa.com لیستی از ۱۰۰ سایت برتر آمریکا را بدست آورده شده و از آنها درخواست شده است که “آیا مشکل HeartBleed را بر طرف کرده اند یا نه ؟” که با توجه به پاسخ های داده شده این لیست پر شده است .

این سایتها با QualyssL server test تست میشود.ولی ممکن است Patched شناسایی نشود و یا سرور نتواند آنها را بازرسی نماید.سایت ممکن است درست باشد ولی Qualy نتواند آنرا تائید نماید در این صورت این سایت با عنوان “be on alert”(در حال آماده باش) علامت زده می شود .
شما باید با احتیاط با این سایتها ارتباط برقرار کنید مخصوصا زمانی که سوالی در باره حساب امنیتی خود دریافت کردید.

برخی از شرکت ها ممکن است با عنوان “Was not vulnerable”(آسیب پذیر نیست) علامت زده شده است در آن صورت متوجه میشویم این سایت از هیچ رمزگذاری OpenSSL استفاده نکرده اند و اطلاعات آنها هرگز در معرض خطر نخواهد بود .

اگر نسخه های قبلی این خبر را دنبال کرده باشید متوجه می شوید که وضعیت برخی از سایتها تغییر کرده است ؛ مثلا مایکروسافت ، MSN و Live به “Was not vulnerable” تغییر وضعیت داده اند که مایکروسافت یکبار این موارد را تائید کرده است .

Site Qualys Confirmation from site
Google Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Facebook Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
YouTube Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Yahoo! Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Amazon Pass Was not vulnerable
Wikipedia Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
LinkedIn Pass Was not vulnerable
eBay Pass Was not vulnerable
Twitter Pass Was not vulnerable
Craigslist Pass Awaiting response
Bing Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Pinterest Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Blogspot Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
CNN Be on alert Awaiting response
Live Pass Was not vulnerable
PayPal Pass Was not vulnerable
Instagram Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Tumblr Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Espn.go.com Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
WordPress Pass Awaiting response
Imgur Pass Awaiting response
Huffington Post Be on alert Awaiting response
Reddit Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
MSN Pass Was not vulnerable
Netflix Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Weather.com Be on alert Awaiting response
IMDb Be on alert Awaiting response
Yelp Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Apple Pass Was not vulnerable
AOL Pass Awaiting response
Microsoft Pass Was not vulnerable
NYTimes Pass Awaiting response
Bank of America Pass Was not vulnerable
Ask Pass Was not vulnerable
Fox News Pass Was not vulnerable
Chase Pass Was not vulnerable
GoDaddy Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
About Pass Was not vulnerable
BuzzFeed Pass Awaiting response
Zillow Pass Was not vulnerable
Wells Fargo Pass Was not vulnerable
Etsy Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
XVideos Be on alert Awaiting response
Walmart Pass Was not vulnerable
CNET Pass Was not vulnerable
Pandora Pass Was not vulnerable
xHamster Pass Awaiting response
PornHub Pass Awaiting response
Comcast Pass Awaiting response
Stack Overflow Pass Awaiting response
Salesforce Pass Was not vulnerable
Daily Mail Be on alert Awaiting response
Vimeo Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Conduit Pass Awaiting response
Flickr Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Zedo Not available Was not vulnerable
Forbes Be on alert Awaiting response
LiveJasmin Be on alert Awaiting response
USPS Pass Awaiting response
Indeed Pass Awaiting response
Hulu Pass Was not vulnerable
Answers Pass Was not vulnerable
HootSuite Pass Was not vulnerable
Amazon Web Services Pass Awaiting response
Adobe Pass Awaiting response
Blogger Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Dropbox Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Reference.com Not available Was not vulnerable
AWeber Pass Was not vulnerable
UPS Pass Was not vulnerable
Intuit Pass Awaiting response
NBC News Pass Awaiting response
USA Today Pass Awaiting response
Outbrain Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
The Pirate Bay Pass Awaiting response
The Wall Street Journal Pass Awaiting response
Bleacher Report Pass Awaiting response
Constant Contact Pass Was not vulnerable
Wikia Pass Awaiting response
CBSSports Pass Was not vulnerable
Publishers Clearing House Pass Awaiting response
Washington Post Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Target Pass Was not vulnerable
TripAdvisor Pass Was not vulnerable
FedEx Pass Was not vulnerable
Capital One Pass Was not vulnerable
wikiHow Pass Was not vulnerable
Googleusercontent.com Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Groupon Pass Was not vulnerable
Best Buy Pass Awaiting response
Feedbin Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
Pinboard Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
GetPocket Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
IFTTT Pass Vulnerability patched. Password change recommended
PayScale Pass Was not vulnerable

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