Whatever I say about my sloppy cleaner will sound very familiar to all those who’ve had to suffer somebody similar
Before she arrives I have to tidy up the place just in case she misplaces any of my personal effects Then again, I have to clear up, after her because, although I leave explicit instructions she doesn’t seem to follow many of them
She skives off with her dosh before I return from work
True, she hoovers And, throws out the rubbish But, my grouse is that all she does is scratch the surface
She doesn’t notice the cobwebs I have to clear them away myself She doesn’t keep nooks and crannies clear unless they’re specifically pointed out to her The dust lies unruffled on my picture frames and, there the dust will remain until the next time she shows her face
But, that doesn’t mean she’s going to do what she’s employed to She’d much rather tune my radio to her liking than concentrate on anything so menial as dusting
So, you may well ask why I put up with my cleaner
I don’t exactly know except that very possibly she lightens my load partially