آماده اید که یک فیلم نقد کنید!

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 347
محل سکونت : سمنان

آماده اید که یک فیلم نقد کنید!
یک شنبه 3 خرداد 1388  10:52 AM

Ready to review a movie!
آماده اید که یک فیلم نقد کنید!
House of laughs

there are lots and lots of
laughs in this movie. It's about a group of young people inLondon. They all live in the same house in a suburb far from the city center. The characters come from different countries. They speak different languages, so they often have misunderstandings . The script is very funny and the acting is very good. This movie is like a really good TV soap opera . You'll love it! *****

Character /noun/: figure, personage;   شخصيت

Misunderstanding /noun/:  incorrect understanding, incorrect interpretation  
سوء تفاهم

Soap opera /noun/: daytime radio or television serial drama of a melodramatic and sentimental nature             نمايش هاى تلويزيونى يا راديويى پر احساسات وکم ارزش

Laugh /noun/: act of laughing, giggle      خنده‌


Suburb /noun/: residential area lying on the outskirts of a city or town                                                                     شهر، برون‌ شهرحومه  

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