منع استعمال دخانیات در کل چاره ناپذیر (ضروری) است

کاربر برنزی
تاریخ عضویت : آذر 1387 
تعداد پست ها : 347
محل سکونت : سمنان

منع استعمال دخانیات در کل چاره ناپذیر (ضروری) است
دوشنبه 7 اردیبهشت 1388  11:43 AM

Banning smoking totally is indispensable
منع استعمال دخانیات در کل چاره ناپذیر (ضروری) است

 Astronomical sums of money are spent on cancer research and on how to cure people suffering from the disease and other smoking-related diseases. On the other hand, countless valuable lives arc lost. Crystal clear is the fact that everybody will be much better-off if smoking is totally banned.

We, however, are not prepared for such a drastic change. To embark upon the move, governments could ban all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should subsequently carry out anti-smoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theaters, cinemas, restaurants and public transportation. Besides, great steps should be taken to inform young people in particular of the dire consequences of taking up the habit and of the insidious repercussions of spending staggering sums on its advertising on the economy of the state.

Indispensable /adjective/ too important or too useful to be without
چاره‌ نا پذير، ضروري‌، ناگزير

Better-off /adjective/ in a better condition , richer    در شرایط بهتر
Crystal clear / adjective/ very clearly stated or understood; allowing no
 possibility of doubt   یقین داشتن 
Embark upon /verb/ to start (especially something new) عازم شدن ،شروع کردن

Insidious / adjective / secretly harmful; acting gradually and without being

noticed, but causing serious harm پراز توطئه‌، دسيسه‌ اميز، خائنانه‌  

Sum /noun/: amount that is determined by adding two or more numbers
مبلغ‌، حاصل‌ جمع‌، روي‌ هم

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